


1、There is little evidence that this encouragedflexible, interactive teaching in the classroom.(几乎没有证据表明这促进灵活互动的课堂教学。)

2、It's learning to beflexible.(它在学着变得灵活。)

3、Because of their size, these models are not veryflexible.(由于它们的尺寸,这些模型不是很灵活。)

4、It refers toflexible timing of traffic signals.(它指的是交通信号的弹性计时。)

5、In fact, it's keratin which makes themflexible and without it they would be very rigid.(实际上,是角蛋白使它们变得富有弹性,并且没有角蛋白的话,它们会变得非常坚硬。)

6、We should stick to the principles and beflexible as well.(既要有原则性,也要有灵活性。)

7、Your body grow moreflexible as you move from one pose to another.(当你从一个姿势转换成另一个姿势时,你的身体会变得更加灵活。)

8、I like shoes withflexible rubber soles.(我喜欢有弹性橡胶底的鞋。)

9、There is also the potential to develop telecommuting and other moreflexible working practices.(也有发展家庭远程办公及其他更灵活的工作方式的可能性。)

10、The shake-up aims to recast IBM as a federation offlexible and competing subsidiaries.(此次改组旨在将IBM重组为一个灵活且相互竞争的子公司联盟。)

11、Unlike traditional gyms, app-backed gyms offer peopleflexible options to exercise.(不同于传统健身房,使用应用程序的健身房为人们提供灵活的运动选择。)

12、My schedule is quiteflexible. I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.(我的时间表很灵活,我可以安排在下周的任何一天与你见面。)

13、The muscular system of the octopus enables it to be veryflexible to assume all sorts of shapes and postures.(章鱼的肌肉系统使它能够非常灵活地做出各种形状和姿势。)

14、WYSIWYG editing makes your word processing smoother and moreflexible.(“所见即所得”编辑使你的文字信息处理更加顺畅和灵活。)

15、Howflexible can you be on times?(你的时间有多灵活?)

16、Web sites enhance books by providing pictures, sound, film clips, andflexible indexing and search utilities.(网络站点通过提供图片、声音、电影剪辑以及灵活的索引和搜索工具来推广图书。)

17、Times become moreflexible off-season, especially in the smaller provincial museums.(特别是小型省级博物馆,在淡季开放时间更灵活。)

18、Thisflexible framework allows any object to be translated into another type.(这一灵活框架允许任何对象转换到另一种类型。)

19、Are you workingflexible hours?(你的工作时间灵活吗?)

20、If you happen to be veryflexible, he can raise your leg high, possibly to his shoulder, creating a very open pose.(如果你碰巧很有柔韧性,他就可以把你的腿高高抬起,甚至是齐肩,创造一个非常开放的姿势。)

21、The codes are so obscure and soflexible that they defy rational explanation.(这些代码是如此模糊且灵活,以致于它们无法得到理性的解释。)

22、To know howflexible to be, you have to know the market.(想知道如何灵活,你必须了解市场。)

23、App-backed gyms offer peopleflexible options to exercise.(由应用程序操作的健身房给人们提供了灵活的锻炼选择。)

24、Rewards can beflexible working hours.(弹性工作时间可以是奖励。)

25、You need to be moreflexible and imaginative in your approach.(你的方法必须更加灵活,更富有想象力。)

26、It's strong, yet veryflexible.(它很坚固,但也很灵活。)

27、They are firm butflexible.(他们坚固而又灵活。)

28、His company offers aflexible packaging service for the food industry.(他的公司为食品工业提供灵活的包装服务。)

29、Lead is strong andflexible so it's ideal for joining pieces of glasses cut in different shapes and sizes.(铅坚固且有弹性,所以是连接不同形状大小的玻璃碎片的理想材料。)

30、The talks can succeed if both sides areflexible and serious.(如果双方都灵活并且认真,这些会谈就能成功。)

flexible 基本释义


英 [ˈfleksəbl] 美 [ˈflɛksəbəl] 

副词: flexibly 名词: flexibility
