1、They were, namely, casts of female friends, whose bodily or mental deformities were here mostfaithfully preserved.(它们都是女性朋友们的,她们的身体或心里缺陷都在这里得以保存。)
2、When I adapt something I translate from one meaning to another asfaithfully as I can.(我在改编的时候,我用尽量忠实于原文的方式把一种含义翻译为另一种。)
3、Are you attracted to others, but stay with herfaithfully without regret?(尽管你对别人有好感,你还是始终毫无悔意的坚定的和她在一起?)
4、For the purposes of social life, in addition to the convention about harvest-time, a most elaborate code of honour has been established and is on the wholefaithfully observed.(为了社会生活目的,除了关于收获季节的惯例外,还制定了一套最详尽的荣誉准则,而且总体上是需要严格遵守的。)
5、You can see schema_infofaithfully track the current version number.(可以看到schema_info忠实地跟踪当前版本号。)
6、He paid the rent on itfaithfully, even though he never went back.(尽管从未回去过,租金他都如期交付。)
7、As ever, China willfaithfully fulfil its obligations under the NPT.(中国将一如既往,忠实履行自己的NPT义务。)
8、The movie follows the bookfaithfully.(这部电影忠于原著。)
9、The grounds surrounding the Capitol have also beenfaithfully reproduced.(环绕国会议厅的地面也被忠实地复制。)
10、The rules of arithmetic are simple, and all these tools follow themfaithfully.(算术规则非常简单,所有这些工具都忠实地遵守它们。)
11、They servefaithfully as long as they're alive.(他们在有生之年都忠心事奉。)
12、Basically, keep my covenant, obey mefaithfully, that's the conditional.(就是说,遵守契约,对我忠诚,这就是条件。)
13、Once he made decisions, the decisions werefaithfully and properly executed.(一旦他做出决策,确保决策要如实地,恰当地执行。)
14、Just add to it,faithfully, everyday.(只要每天忠实的向里面存钱就够了。)
15、The old grandmother alone stuck to himfaithfully.(只有老奶奶忠心耿耿地站在他这边。)
16、A servant who served the familyfaithfully for 10 years stayed with them.(一位忠心耿耿为这家服务了10年的仆人和他们住在一起。)
17、The events werefaithfully recorded in her diary.(这些事件在她的日记中如实地记录了下来。)
18、Before the battle, soldiers swore an oath to carry out their dutiesfaithfully.(打仗之前士兵们都宣誓要忠诚的履行职责。)
19、He thinks the rules his mother has made are good for him, so hefaithfully obeys them.(他认为他母亲制定的规则对他有益,所以他忠实地遵守这些规则。)
20、He had supported the local teamfaithfully for 30 years.(他忠实地支持当地球队30年。)
21、She promisedfaithfully not to tell anyone my secret.(她保证恪守诺言,不把我的秘密告诉任何人。)
22、Puns, to be fair, are usually impossible to translatefaithfully.(公平地说,双关语通常不可能被忠实地翻译出来。)
23、Eating right will help give you the energy you need to love morefaithfully.(合理的饮食可以为你提供虔诚的去爱别人的能量。)
24、He loves herfaithfully.(他忠实地爱着她。)
25、She has served the familyfaithfully for thirty years.(她为这个家忠心耿耿地操劳了30年。)
26、I swear I willfaithfully execute my office and my motherland.(我发誓我将忠于我的职守和我的祖国。)
27、Hefaithfully lived up to his promise.(他忠实地实践了他的诺言。)
28、His wife stuckfaithfully to him through thick and thin.(他的妻子和他同甘共苦,对他坚贞不渝。)
29、We will do our best to answer your questionsfaithfully and factually.(我们会尽我们所能,忠实地如实回答你们的问题。)
英 [ˈfeɪθfəli] 美 [ˈfeɪθfəli ]