
face value造句

face value造句

1、Let us take your problem atface value, though, and assume that you cannot simply find a man who has it all.(不过,让我们从表面来谈你的问题,并且假设,你的确无法找到一个十全十美的男人。)

2、Atface value, play may look like nothing special - just kids kicking a ball back and forth.(表面上看,玩可能没有什么特别的——就像孩子们把球踢来踢去。)

3、So people are less likely to link their self-esteem to events and more likely to take things atface value.(所以人们不太可能把他们的自尊与事件联系起来,而是更可能以表面现象接受事物。)

4、Some people took the movie atface value: the zany antics of Indian college kids.(一些人只看到这部电影的表面价值:印度大学生们的滑稽表演。)

5、The loans that funded the big deals typically trade at three-quarters of theirface value, implying distress.(用于大额交易的贷款通常只以其四分之三的面值进行交易,这意味着困境。)

6、His inauguration speech was a veiled warning not to take his campaign hype atface value.(他的就职演说中暗含的意思,是想提醒人们在看待他的竞选承诺时不要光看表面。)

7、Taken atface value, the figures look very encouraging.(若只看表面,数字很令人鼓舞。)

8、You shouldn't take anything she says atface value.(她的话你绝对不能只看表面。)

9、Atface value, the article seems to indicate that the motor was nearly ready for action.(在表面价值上,真篇文章似乎暗示了波浪发电机几乎即将投入商业运行。)

10、That matters because Mr Obama's generous words towards China are not taken atface value there.(问题的关键在于,奥巴马先生针对中国所说的宽泛之词,不能对此只做表面理解。)

11、One such is factoring, in which a company sells its invoices to a specialist lender at a discount toface value.(其中一个就是保理,是指公司将其应收款额相对市面价值的以一定折扣价出售给保理商。)

12、If losing half theface value of a bond does not amount to a default, what does?(如果免去票面金额一半的债务依然资不抵债,那该怎么办呢?)

13、Some took the movie atface value: the zany antics of Indian college kids.(一些人只看到这部电影的皮毛:印度大学生的滑稽表演。)

14、Tickets were selling at twice theirface value.(这些票以其面值的两倍价格出售。)

15、Any deal will presumably be worth less than theface value of the loans.(任何一项购买协议价将可能比贷款票面价值要称低。)

16、Despite this, such securities are appraised at close to theirface value.(尽管如此,这些证券都是按照接近其票面价值来估价的。)

17、So be critical, and don't accept things atface value.(所以,请保持批判性,不要接受那些具表面价值的事情。)

18、It is not enough to simply interview people and take atface value what they say.(简单地采访并采纳人们表达中的表面价值远远不够。)

19、The difference between the market value of collateral and theface value of a loan.(贷款保证金的市面价格与面额之间的差价。)

20、Banks charge a fee for this service-about one hundredth of one percent of theface value of the gilt issued.(银行提供此项服务需收取费用,金边债券发行面值的千分之一。)

21、A corporation can buy back its bonds by paying investors theface value (plus a sweetener).(公司可通过支付投资人债券票面价值(外加甜头)来买回自己的债券。)

22、Public statements from the various groups involved should not necessarily be taken atface value.(不必轻信各有关团体的公开声明。)

23、If they rise above 5%, your bond can still be sold but usually at less thanface value.(如果利率超过了5%,你的债券虽然仍可以出售,不过价格通常要低于票面价值了。)

24、While we must be careful not to take his logic atface value, he also must not be ignored.(尽管我们必须保持谨慎,不从表面上来解读他的逻辑,但我们对他肯定也不能不理不睬。)

25、But taking the rankings atface value has its limits, Griffin noted.(但Griffin注意到,仅凭其表面价值而排位是具有局限性的。)

26、Currency will only be exchanged atface value.(货币只按面值交换。)

27、When we use money today, however, the actual value of the coin itself does not equal itsface value.(但是,当我们今天使用货币的时候,硬币本身的实际价值并不等同其面值。)

face value 基本释义

face value

英 [feis ˈvælju] 美 [fes ˈvælju] 
