
drink water造句

drink water造句

1、drink water when thirsty, in spite of your desire to have a soft drink.(—在口渴的时候喝水,即使你想喝的是饮料。)

2、If you feel thirsty, you shoulddrink water immediately.(如果你感到口渴,你应该立即喝水。)

3、I had todrink water.(我必须喝水。)

4、When you do go out, skip on drinks and chips anddrink water instead(出门在外,用水来代替饮料薯条)

5、The answer is yes, but how fishdrink water depends on where they live.(答案是肯定的,但是鱼儿怎么喝水取决于它们生活在哪。)

6、A few decades ago, many people didn'tdrink water outside of a meal.(几十年前,许多人不在饭后喝水。)

7、You shoulddrink water or juice instead of beer.(你应该喝些水或果汁,而不喝啤酒。)

8、Why didn't youdrink water?(你为什么不喝水?)

9、Fix:drink water throughout the day so your urine is light colored.(疗法:天天喝水,尿就是浅色的。)

10、So,drink water, but only ice water if you like it.(所以,喝水可以,但除非你喜欢,否则没有必要喝冰水。)

11、If we only drink sugary beverages and neverdrink water, how will our insides be cleansed?(如果我们只喝含糖饮料而从不喝水的话,健康,只能与我们渐行渐远。)

12、drink water at the end of your workouts to rehydrate.(在你锻炼结束的时候喝点水补充水分。)

13、What must giraffes do todrink water?(长颈鹿为了喝水必须做什么?)

14、drink water before bed, not fruit juice.(睡前喝点水,别喝果汁。)

15、My throat always felt dry, and the only solution was todrink water.(我嗓子眼感觉干渴,没办法我只好猛喝水。)

16、We also boiled water to drink, because it was not safe todrink water straight from the river.(我们也煮了开水来喝,因为直接从河里饮水是不安全的。)

17、drink water when you're thirsty.(渴了就喝水。)

18、Why does he have to tell somebody to drink some wine and not justdrink water?(他为什么要告诉某人去喝些酒,不要只饮水?)

19、It is best todrink water or low-fat milk with meals.(餐时饮料以水或低脂牛奶最佳。)

20、It's so simple...drink water!(其实很简单……喝水!)

21、Simon: Don't worry, Mum.We candrink water here.(西蒙:妈妈别担心。这里有水可以喝。)

22、drink water and rest.(多喝水多休息。)

23、Nothing. I justdrink water.(什么也不吃,我只是喝些水。)

24、Carry a water bottle with you anddrink water every fifteen minutes.(随身携带一个水瓶,每十五分钟喝一次水。)

25、Does itdrink water?(它喝水吗?)

26、I would only be allowed todrink water every second day.(第二天,我们只被允许喝水。)

27、Talk to someone.drink water. Eat fruits and vegetables.(和别人聊聊天,或者喝点水、吃点果蔬。)

drink water 基本释义

drink water