1、This paper analyses concretely the waste mining rock, coal gangue and tailings, thus it candraw a conclusion that its potential is huge.(通过对采矿废石、煤矸石及选矿尾矿等的具体分析,可以肯定二次资源综合利用潜力是巨大的。)
2、We candraw a conclusion that email plays an important role in our daily life.(我们可以得出结论,伊妹儿在我们的日常生活中扮演着重要的作用。)
3、So we candraw a conclusion that L-Amlodipine might protect cardiac muscle against ischemic myocardial injury.(结论:左旋氨氯地平对缺血性心肌细胞损伤具有一定的保护作用。)
4、Knowing how to gather information is important; knowing how todraw a conclusion from the information is more important.(知道如何收集信息很重要;知道如何从这些信息中得出结论更重要。)
5、Only by undertaking the analysis of the data, can youdraw a conclusion.(只有通过仔细分析这些数据,你才能得出结论。)
6、Taking into account the above factors, we candraw a conclusion the everyone should try to be honest in whatever he says and does.(基于上述因素,我们可以下结论了——每个人的行为都应该与他所说的和所做的保持一致。)
7、Dissertate the relationship of SCM and systemic idea,draw a conclusion of "SCM must be guided by system theory".(论述了系统论与供应链管理之间的关系,得出“供应链管理必须以系统论为指导”的重要结论。)
8、From what is said above, we candraw a conclusion.(由上面所说的,我们可以得出一个结论。)
9、Only if you know all about it can youdraw a conclusion.(你只有知道所有这一切,你才能得出结论。)
10、I do not dare the wild talk todraw a conclusion, but in my heart hopeful!(我不敢妄言下结论,但我心里还是有希望的!)
11、Todraw a conclusion, broccoli is a very useful vegetable.(总的来说,西兰花是一种非常有益的蔬菜。)
12、We finallydraw a conclusion through a series scientific evidence and analysis.(经过一系列科学取证与分析,我们最终得出了结论。)
13、For the subject's complexity in studying chemistry, we candraw a conclusion that memory play an important role in chemistry studying.(鉴于化学研究对象的庞杂性可以得出结论:记忆在化学学习中占有重要的地位。)
14、I find it difficult todraw a conclusion.(我觉得很难下结论。)
15、From the analysis of features of the newspaper, we candraw a conclusion that newspaper is irreplaceability in a long period.(从报纸的特点进行分析后可以看出,在很长一段时间报纸都具有不可代替性。)
16、From the foregoing, we can safelydraw a conclusion that science and arts education shouldn't be separated from each other.(综上所述,我们能够得出结论,那就是文理科不该分开来学。)
17、It's difficult todraw a conclusion without enough evidence.(没有足够的证据很难做出结论。)
18、The last part is todraw a conclusion of the whole paper and some suggestion in the future.(最后一部分是整个论文的结论部分,并提出一些建议。)
19、Taking all factors into account, we candraw a conclusion that the former carries more weight.(把所有的因素都加以考虑的话,我们可以得出如下的结论:前者很明显更具有说服力。——第三段表明观点。)
20、Combining the review results, Human Resources department will discuss with hiring department anddraw a conclusion.(结合评估结果,人力资源部将与招聘部门议定并得出结论。)
21、It is important todraw a conclusion from the facts.(从事实中得出结论很重要。)
22、Automatic signature verification about Chinese character is todraw a conclusion if this Chinese character is written by a person specially.(汉字签名鉴别是通过对手写人的笔迹进行分析从而得出签名是否由某特定人书写的结论。)
23、Through this paper, we candraw a conclusion that it is necessary to use design pattern in this system.(通过对设计模式的论述,充分表明了设计模式应用于系统的必要性。)
24、Can human beings live on the moon? Its too early todraw a conclusion.(将来人类是否能月球上生存?现在下结论还为时过早。)
25、Results Wedraw a conclusion that many women have unhealthy eating and sport habits.(结果被调查妇女大多存在不良饮食习惯及运动误区。)
26、We should consider all these factors in coming todraw a conclusion.(我们需要综合考虑这些因素以便我们得出结论。)
27、At last the thesis made a reasonable analysis about the new performance appraisal system anddraw a conclusion.(最后对本绩效考核体系设计方案进行合理性分析,并作出结论。)
draw a conclusion
英 [drɔ: ə kənˈklu:ʒən] 美 [drɔ e kənˈkluʒən]
得出结论; 作出推论