
distinguish oneself造句

distinguish oneself造句

1、Captured oneself characteristic, hold high characteristic old standard, make characteristic brand, travel external, can opening thedistinguish oneself in livening.(抓住了自己的特点,高举特色大旗,打出特色品牌,对外传播,就会在开放搞活中大显身手。)

2、The ability todistinguish oneself from others had been shown only in humans, chimpanzees and, to a limited extent, dolphins.(目前,只有人类和黑猩猩具备这种能将自己与其他动物区分开的能力。另外,海豚也在某种程度上具备这种能力。)

3、The unicellular living creature has the food of distinguish, invades the microorganism only and oneself the cell composition etc. the low class identifies the function.(单细胞生物只具有分辨食物、入侵微生物和本身细胞成分等低级的识别功能。)

distinguish oneself 基本释义

distinguish oneself

英 [disˈtiŋɡwiʃ wʌnˈself] 美 [dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ wʌnˈsɛlf] 
