1、They'lldie of starvation if they can't be persuaded to take some nourishment.(如果不能说服他们吃点有营养的东西,他们会饿死的。)
2、He estimates it took three days for them todie of starvation.(他估计这两头驯鹿需要三天才死于饥饿。)
3、After spawning, mostdie of exhaustion.(繁衍过后,多数鲑鱼会因精疲力竭而死。)
4、Doing nothing means that some deer willdie of hunger or illness.(什么也不做意味着一些鹿会死于饥饿或疾病。)
5、With its shell damaged, the roach will soondie of dehydration.(随着它的外壳受损,小强会很快死于脱水。)
6、No, I did notdie of fright: the Thing turned and went away.(不,我并不是死于惊骇:那个东西转身走开了。)
7、You coulddie of a heart attack.(你可能死于心脏病发。)
8、Todie of love, is to live in it.(为爱而死,便是为爱而生。)
9、The mouse willdie of suffocation or even shock before digestion.(在被消化之前,老鼠会死于窒息,甚至被吓死。)
10、Here she was to stay for seven years without meat or drink, anddie of hunger.(她要在这里被关七年,没有吃喝,最后饿死。)
11、My stomach remains empty, and I must tie myself up if I am not todie of hunger.(我的肚子还是空的,如果我不想饿死,我就得把裤带勒紧。)
12、According to statistics, a man is more than twice as likely todie of skin cancer than a woman.(据统计,男性死于皮肤癌的可能性是女性的两倍多。)
13、Each year 50 to 100 childrendie of seasonal flu.(每年有50-100个儿童死于季节流感。)
14、Five thousand peopledie of TB, a curable disease, every day.(每天有五千人死于结核病,而这一疾病是可以治愈的。)
15、Give me thy hand, give me thy cheek—lord, I am like todie of very joy!(把你的手给我,把你的脸给我——天啊,我简直要乐死了!)
16、Many deerdie of hunger.(许多鹿死于饥饿。)
17、400 people a yeardie of this disease on average.(平均每年有400人死于这种疾病。)
18、Mendie of heart attacks while shoveling snow.(在扫雪时,人类也会死于心脏病突发。)
19、Eg: You maydie of alcohol poisoning.(你可能会因为酒精中毒而死。)
20、Halfthe mice willdie of hunger and the other half will run away.(一半的老鼠将会死于饥饿,另外一半将会逃亡。)
21、Her father and her brothers woulddie of shame.(她的父亲和兄弟们会羞愧死的。)
22、I was ready todie of laughter.(我真要笑死啦。)
23、People sometimesdie of treatable conditions.(人们有时死于可治之症。)
24、They thendie of the infection, while the slug remains healthy.(他们将死于感染,而“鼻涕虫”则保持健康。)
25、They justdie of cardiac arrest while they're sleeping.(比如在睡觉时死于心脏病发。)
26、According to statistics, a man is more than twice as likely todie of skin cancer than a woman, and nine times more likely todie of AIDS.(据统计,男性死于皮肤癌的几率是女性的两倍多,死于艾滋病的几率是女性的九倍多。)
27、Around fifty peopledie of hunger every day in the camp.(集中营里每天大约有五十人饿死。)
die of
英 [dai ɔv] 美 [daɪ ʌv]