1、Just then, adesperate cry was heard.(就在这时,传来了一声绝望的喊叫。)
2、Somewhere out there was adesperate man, cold, hungry, hunted.(那外面有个男人又冷又饿,还有人抓他,走投无路了。)
3、He intercuts scenes of Rex getting more and moredesperate with scenes of the abductor with his family.(他将雷克斯变得愈加绝望的场景和诱骗者与他家人在一起的场景相交切。)
4、By 1613 even moredesperate measures were in contemplation.(到1613年,甚至考虑要采取更为孤注一掷的措施。)
5、She found herself indesperate financial straits.(她发觉自己经济状况极为窘迫。)
6、Troops are needed to help get food into Kosovo where people are indesperate need.(需要军队协助将食物运进科索沃,那里的人们迫切需要食物。)
7、I'mdesperate for a cigarette.(我很想抽支烟。)
8、They aredesperate to erase the memory of that last defeat.(他们急于抹去上次失败的记忆。)
9、The children are indesperate need of love and attention.(这些孩子非常需要爱心和关怀。)
10、Nothing can be more fascinating than a smile, which can produce hope in evendesperate situations.(没有什么比微笑更能吸引人的了,微笑甚至能在绝望的情况下给人带来希望。)
11、If I was poor anddesperate, I might commit crimes to feed my family.(如果我又穷又绝望,我就可能会为了养家糊口而犯罪。)
12、The official dismissed the speech as the ramblings of adesperate lunatic.(该官员将那个演说视为一个绝望的疯子的胡言乱语而不予理会。)
13、I was absolutelydesperate to see her.(我极想见到她。)
14、The house is indesperate need of redecoration.(该房子急需再次装修。)
15、I heard sounds of adesperate struggle in the next room.(我听到隔壁房间里有拼命挣扎的声音。)
16、He was sodesperate for a job he would have done anything.(他当时太想找份工作了,什么事都愿意干。)
17、Doctors were fighting adesperate battle to save the little girl's life.(医生们不惜一切地奋力抢救小女孩的生命。)
18、She clung to the edge in adesperate attempt to save herself.(为了活命,她拼命抓住边缘。)
19、Like any conflict, this one has itsdesperate refugees and its frustrated negotiators.(同任何斗争一样,这场斗争中有绝望的逃亡者和沮丧的谈判者。)
20、The prisoners grew increasinglydesperate.(犯人因绝望而越来越胆大妄为。)
21、She was unable to restrain herdesperate anger.(她无法抑制她那不顾一切的愤怒。)
22、There are hundreds of peopledesperate to adopt a child.(有数以百计的人极其渴望收养小孩。)
23、Stores are gettingdesperate after two years of poor sales.(两年来销路不畅,商店不惜冒起险来。)
24、They face adesperate shortage of clean water.(他们面临无污染水源的严重短缺。)
25、He was gloomy anddesperate.(他忧郁而绝望。)
26、India's United Nations ambassador said the situation isdesperate.(印度驻联合国大使说局势危急。)
27、The African elephant is in adesperate plight.(非洲象正面临绝境。)
28、They admit they are nowdesperate for a lucky break.(他们承认现在非常渴望交上好运。)
29、Each day that passed he grew more and moredesperate.(他一天天变得越来越绝望。)
英 [ˈdespərət] 美 [ˈdɛspərɪt]
副词: desperately 名词: desperateness