1、At adepartment store: "Big pre-Christmas sale."(百货公司:“圣诞节前大减价。”)
2、Could you drop me off at thedepartment store?(你能让我在百货公司下车吗?)
3、Thedepartment store has reduced its prices by half.(这家百货公司把商品价格打了对折。)
4、He volunteered to serve as the manager of ourdepartment store.(他自荐当我们商场的经理。)
5、Tracy went to thedepartment store to pick out some gifts for her friends.(崔西到百货公司去挑选一些礼物给她朋友。)
6、It's just like trying on clothes in adepartment store.(这就像在百货商店里试穿衣服。)
7、The children were fascinated by the toys in the bigdepartment store.(孩子们被大商场里的玩具迷住了。)
8、Thisdepartment store sells a large number of different things.(这家百货商店出售许多各种各样的东西。)
9、The sweater I stole from the big maindepartment store.(毛衣是我从一家大商场偷的。)
10、In order to boost sales, managers of Jerrod's, Montalia's premierdepartment store, are planning to purchase shopping carts and make them available to the store's customers next month.(为了促进销售,蒙特利亚首屈一指的百货公司Jerrod's的经理们计划购买购物车,并于下月向顾客提供。)
11、Thank you for calling Saks Fifth Avenuedepartment store.(感谢致电萨克斯第五大道百货公司。)
12、In a bigdepartment store, there are numerous departments selling different kinds of goods.(大百货公司里有许多部门分售各类商品。)
13、If Morganville wants to keep its central shopping district healthy, it should prevent the opening of a huge SaveAll discountdepartment store on the outskirts of Morganville.(如果摩根维尔想要保持其中心购物区的地位,就应该阻止一家巨大的SaveAll折扣百货公司开在摩根维尔郊区。)
14、Yes, it's my favouritedepartment store.(是的,这是我最喜欢的百货商店。)
15、I believe the Pacificdepartment store is larger.(我想太平洋百货公司比较大。)
16、Thedepartment store at the four corners is the largest one in the city.(十字路口的那家百货商店是这个城市最大的一家。)
17、Adepartment store has even opened a new lab, inviting customers on a journey into the store's windows to smell books, pots and drawers, in search of their perfect scent.(一家百货公司甚至开设了一个新的实验室,邀请顾客到商店的橱窗去闻书、锅碗瓢盆,寻找他们喜欢的气味。)
18、I didn't go back to thedepartment store for years after that.(在这之后,我好多年都没去那家百货商场。)
19、After that, they might browse at a nearbydepartment store.(这之后,她们可能会在周边的商店里溜达一下。)
20、Spero is downscaling, shopping at middle-brow Dillard'sdepartment store near her suburban Cleveland home, instead of Neiman Marcus.(斯佩罗正在缩减开支,她不再去内曼•马库斯百货公司,而是去位于克利夫兰郊区家中附近的迪拉德百货公司购物。)
21、B Yes, it's my favouritedepartment store.(b是的,这是我最喜欢的百货商店。)
22、He crooked a necklace from thatdepartment store.(他从那家百货商店里偷到一条项链。)
23、She went to adepartment store with multiple clothing boutiques.(她去了一家百货商场,里面服装品牌众多。)
24、I worked in adepartment store in a small town last summer vacation.(我去年暑假在一个小城镇的百货店工作过。)
25、Karen Smith is a buyer for adepartment store in New York.(凯伦·史密斯是纽约一家百货公司的采购员。)
26、At a time when young beauty shoppers are often turning to Sephora or Ulta instead ofdepartment store beauty counters, Macy's hopes Bluemercury will help strengthen its position in the category.(如今,年轻的美容消费者往往转向Sephora或Ulta,而不是百货公司的美容专柜,梅西百货希望Bluemercury能帮助它巩固在这一领域的地位。)
27、And they are not on sale at your localdepartment store.(它们不是你那里百货商店的销售品。)
department store
英 [diˈpɑ:tmənt stɔ:] 美 [dɪˈpɑrtmənt stɔr]
第三人称复数:department stores