1、His name is synonymous withdeception, treachery, cunning, and deceit.(他的名字是欺骗,背叛,狡猾和欺骗的同义词。)
2、Some expected e-mailers to be the biggest liars, reasoning that becausedeception makes people uncomfortable, the detachment of emailing would make it easier to lie.(有些人认为人们在电子邮件中最容易撒谎,理由是:欺骗使人感到不舒服,所以电子邮件这种非直接接触的媒介能让人的谎言更容易说出口。)
3、Part of me used to enjoy thedeception.(我的部分身心曾习惯于享受欺骗的快意。)
4、The company might be very optimistic, but the ability of their machine to detectdeception has not provided credible proof.(该公司可能非常乐观,但他们的机器测谎的能力还没有提供可靠的证据。)
5、The implications of self-deception go beyond hiring.(自我欺骗的影响远不仅仅在招聘过程中。)
6、There can be many good reasons fordeception.(欺骗存在许多好的理由。)
7、It was really the grandestdeception in the world.(这真是世界上最堂皇的欺诈。)
8、Problems surround the use of machines to spotdeception, at least until it has been rigorously tested.(至少在经过严格测试之前,使用机器测谎的问题仍然存在。)
9、He admitted conspiring to obtain property bydeception.(他承认曾密谋通过欺骗获取财产。)
10、Emotionaldeception is evident.(情感上的欺骗显而易见。)
11、He was accused of obtaining property bydeception.(他被指控骗取钱财。)
12、Along with "Officer Blue", "Grounds fordeception" is when Stella has one of her biggest fights with Mac.(与《蓝色警官》一样,《欺骗的理由》也是斯特拉与麦克之间最大的一场打戏。)
13、Ensure system tests include tests ofdeception.(确保系统的测试,包括对欺诈的测试。)
14、The whole episode had been a crueldeception.(整个经历都是残酷的骗局。)
15、He was abetted in thedeception by his wife.(他行骗是受了妻子的怂恿。)
16、She denies obtaining a pecuniary advantage bydeception.(她否认通过欺骗获得了金钱方面的好处。)
17、They are ultimately the biggestdeception that exists in the fashion industry today.(它们终究是当今时尚界存在的最大骗局。)
18、There's physical examples ofdeception.(举一个欺骗的实例。)
19、He was jailed for two years for fraud anddeception.(他因诈骗与欺诈被监禁了两年。)
20、Opportunities for misinterpretation, error, and self-deception abound.(误解、犯错和自我欺骗的机会比比皆是。)
21、Satan uses this secret to make a mysterious look to weave itsdeception.(撒旦用这个秘密装出神秘的样子来编织它的骗术。)
22、deception will play an important factor in relationships.(欺骗将是恋爱中的重要因素之一。)
23、Most people are experts at selfdeception.(大多数人都是自我欺骗的专家。)
24、This isdeception writ large.(这是明目张胆的欺骗。)
25、Psychologists call them masters ofdeception.(心理学家称他们为欺骗大师。)
26、Animals' use ofdeception, ways they play tricks on other animals, that's a fascinating area.(动物们的欺骗行为,捉弄其他动物的方式,是一个令人着迷的领域。)
27、It's adeception, as far as I can discover.(就我所知,这是一个骗局。)
28、Human beings have an infinite capacity for self-deception.(人类自欺的能力是无穷尽的。)
英 [dɪˈsepʃn] 美 [dɪˈsɛpʃən]