
date back to造句

date back to造句

1、The sale also features Britain's most extensive collection of historical cookbooks, some of whichdate back to the reign of Henry VIII.(这次的拍品中还包括英国历史上众多烹饪书籍,其中一些甚至可以追溯到亨利八十统治时期。)

2、This tradition candate back to the Sundiata Gaines.(这一传统可以追溯到桑迪亚塔·盖恩斯。)

3、The stone circle is said todate back to 3200 BC and is a vision in itself.(它可以追溯到公元前3200年,是一处很独特的景点。)

4、Pakistan's blasphemy lawsdate back to the colonial era.(巴基斯坦的亵渎神明法发端于殖民时代。)

5、Microsoft's forum contains 476 pages of complaints about lost and deleted e-mails thatdate back to early November.(从11月初至今,在微软论坛投诉邮件丢失和被删除的帖子达到476页。)

6、Artifacts from the templedate back to various times during the Greek-run Ptolemaic dynasty, which lasted until 30 B.C..(神庙里的史前古物可以追溯到不同时代——从在希腊统治下埃及托勒密王朝到最近的公元前30年。)

7、The origins of glassdate back to 3,500 BC but it wasn't until the Roman Empire, 2,000 years ago, that the art of glass-blowing and the practical uses of glass became more widespread.(玻璃的起源可以追溯到公元前3500年,但直到2000年前的罗马帝国,吹制玻璃的艺术和玻璃的实际使用才变得更加广泛。)

8、This ability maydate back to even more primitive organisms than fish.(动物的识数才能甚至可以出现在比鱼还原始的生物中。)

9、These model lists, whichdate back to 1977, help focus priorities for the pharmaceutical sector as a whole.(这些始于1977年的标准清单有助于我们将药品作为一个整体来关注其重点。)

10、Shoesdate back to the 8, 000s BC - a very long history, indeed.(鞋可以追溯到公元前八千多年——可谓历史悠久了。)

11、These gamesdate back to the time of serial consoles, mainframes, and minicomputers.(这些游戏的历史可以追溯到串行控制台、大型机和小型机时代。)

12、In Sanliurfa Province, outbreaks in backyard poultry are now thought todate back to late November 2005.(现认为在桑尼乌法省,后院家禽中的暴发始于2005年11月下旬。)

13、There is, of course, a long-standing history of whaling in Iceland, but the more recent issuesdate back to 2004.(然,冰岛的捕鲸历史由来已久,但最近的捕鲸活动是从2004年开始的。)

14、When the BBC did a similar poll in 2008, the downturn had pushed thedate back to 2015.(2008年,BBC做过一项类似的民意调查,认为经济下滑已把停电时间推后到2015年。)

15、Some, such as ditto,date back to the NeXT era, although most have been updated.(一些,比如ditto,是NeXT时代的,虽然大部分已经更新过了。)

16、Kosekidate back to the late 19th century and were originally intended as a means of conscripting soldiers.(日本户籍制的历史可以追溯到19世纪,人们最初是打算把它作为一种应招新兵的方式。)

17、Wiktionary tells us that the origin of the expression "no strings attached" maydate back to ancient times.(维基词典指出,“无附加条件”这一说法的起源可以追溯到古代。)

18、The cavesdate back to early Viking times in about 800 A.D..(这些洞穴可以追溯到公元800年的维京时代。)

19、The tradition coulddate back to 300 BC.(这一传统可追溯到公元前300年。)

20、He spoke highly of the friendly relations between the two old civilizations thatdate back to ancient times.(他高度赞扬中伊两个文明古国之间源远流长的友好关系。)

21、WHO model lists of essential medicinesdate back to 1977.(世卫组织基本药物标准清单可以追溯到1977年。)

22、Scientific wagersdate back to Greece in the 5th or 6th century BC and were often a rhetorical device for thinking about a subject.(科学家打赌的历史可以追溯到公元前5、6世纪的希腊,那时打赌是一种用来刺激人们思考的手段。)

23、This collection contains amazing historic photos of NYC thatdate back to the first half of the 20th century.(这里收集了令人吃惊的纽约城追溯到20世纪前半页的历史照片。)

24、The history of self-knowledgedate back to over 2000 years.(对于自我认识这个话题的探讨可以追溯到2000年前。)

date back to 基本释义

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英 [deit bæk tu:] 美 [det bæk tu] 

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