
cut back on造句

cut back on造句

1、Temporarilycut back on high-fiber foods.(暂时减少食用高纤维素食物。)

2、Many are likely tocut back on lending rather than try to raise more capital.(许多银行可能会削减信贷而不是设法筹措更多的资本。)

3、Say no to projects and meetings.cut back on commitments.(对那些项目和会议说不,也不要做过多承诺。)

4、cut back on shopping.(减少购物。)

5、One obvious way is tocut back on health care.(一种显而易见的方法是削减医疗保健方面的开支。)

6、cut back on your cable.(削减你的有线电视电缆。)

7、cut back on extra fat, such as butter or margarine on bread, sour cream on baked potatoes, and salad dressings.(去掉多余的肥脂,例如面包上的黄油或人造黄油,烤土豆里的酸奶油,还有沙拉酱。)

8、Two ways:cut back on time-wasters, and simplify your commitments.(这里有两个办法:减少那些会消耗时间的工作还有简化你对生活的承诺.)

9、Willy Lin hascut back on free drumsticks in the canteen of his Jiangxi clothing factory as meat and vegetables grow dear.(由于肉价和菜价的不断攀升,林威利削减了他的江西服装厂食堂里的免费鸡腿。)

10、"Since then," Toebe said, "she has kept her promise to herself tocut back on her Internet use."(托比说:“从那以后,她一直信守承诺,减少上网时间。”)

11、We shall have tocut back on our spending.(我们将不得不削减我们的经费。)

12、Before your quit date, begin tocut back on your smoking.(成功戒烟前首先开始减少吸烟。)

13、The Government hascut back on defence spending.(政府已削减了国防开支。)

14、Drive less - consolidate car trips,cut back on activities, walk, ride bikes.(开一次车,办许多事;削减参加活动的次数,多走路、多骑自行车。)

15、I know when Icut back on TV, it freed up a lot of my time.(最起码当我减少看电视剧的时间后它为我节省出一大块空闲时间。)

16、Barclays has also slightlycut back on sales outlets.(巴克利银行也小幅降低了业务的出口。)

17、We are heading for a crisis, with cash-starved councils forced tocut back on vital community services.(我们正面临危机,几个资金匮乏的理事会不得不削减一些重要的公共服务项目。)

18、cut back on sugar and dairy.(少吃糖和乳制品。)

19、cut back on caffeine and alcohol.(减少咖啡和酒精的摄入。)

20、What will youcut back on in your spending while you’re on maternity leave?(当你在休产假期间,我们会如何削减开支呢?)

21、So wecut back on spending, which meant learning a whole new way of living.(所以我们缩减了开支,这就意味着我们要过另一种完全不同的生活方式。)

22、Japan's recession has prompted consumers tocut back on buying cars.(日本的经济衰退已促使消费者们削减购车花销。)

23、cut back on saturated fat and gotten eight hours of sleep?(是不是没有摄入动物脂肪,睡眠是不是已经足够八小时?)

24、cut back on sugar.(削减糖的摄入。)

25、Anything expensive which you needed but which you couldcut back on.(任何你需要的、昂贵的东西,但是可以用其他东西来代替的。)

26、The government has announced plans tocut back on defense spending by 10% next year.(政府宣布了明年削减10%国防开支的计划。)

27、cut back on total hours to force an increase in efficiency.(用减少总时间推动效率提升。)

28、Don'tcut back on the activities that ensure the work is done correctly.(不要削减哪些能确保工作正确完成的活动的时间。)

cut back on 基本释义

cut back on

英 [kʌt bæk ɔn] 美 [kʌt bæk ɑn] 
