


1、It's acontradiction in terms.(这是个自相矛盾的词。)

2、Now you say you both left at ten—that's acontradiction of your last statement.(你现在说你们俩是十点钟离开的,这可和你上次的说法不一致。)

3、There is acontradiction between the two sets of figures.(这两组数据相互矛盾。)

4、Is there acontradiction here in the text?(这文本中不是有矛盾吗?)

5、Can you explain thecontradiction?(可以解释一下这种矛盾吗?)

6、Motion itself is acontradiction.(运动本身就是矛盾。)

7、Our lives are filled withcontradiction.(我们的生活真是充满了矛盾。)

8、It is actually a good lead-in to some of the techniques that Neel used, that she employed to bridge thatcontradiction.(这个问题引出了Neel曾经使用的一些技巧,她用这些技巧来调和这一矛盾。)

9、How can we resolve this apparentcontradiction?(我们怎样才能解决这个明显的矛盾呢?)

10、A generous miser is acontradiction in terms.(“慷慨的吝啬鬼”是一种语词矛盾的说法。)

11、The militants see nocontradiction in using violence to bring about a religious state.(好战分子认为使用暴力与建立宗教国家不矛盾。)

12、I think I can say, without fear ofcontradiction , that...(就算有人反驳,我也胆敢说…)

13、So here is a seemingcontradiction.(于是有了表面矛盾。)

14、Attempting to resolve thiscontradiction, Harris concludes that Fern employed flowery rhetoric strategically to disguise her subversive goals beneath apparent conventionality.(为了解决这一矛盾,哈里斯得出结论,弗恩战略性地使用华丽的修辞,在显见的常规之下掩盖她的颠覆目的。)

15、People think that 's acontradiction.(人们认为那是相互矛盾的。)

16、Isn't that a bit of acontradiction?(这不是有点矛盾吗?)

17、It would be acontradiction of his Word.(它与上帝的话语相矛盾。)

18、How to resolve thiscontradiction?(怎么解决这个矛盾呢?)

19、That is a choice, not acontradiction.(这是一种选择,而不是一个矛盾。)

20、It is precisely in the particularity ofcontradiction that the universality ofcontradiction resides.(矛盾的普遍性即寓于矛盾的特殊性之中。)

21、A 'nomad settlement' is acontradiction in terms.(“游牧者的定居”是用词上的自相矛盾。)

22、Problems occur only if acontradiction develops between a new observation, say, "That ball is blue", and the preexisting statements.(只有当一个新的观察,比如“那个球是蓝色的”,与已有的陈述之间产生矛盾时,才会出现问题。)

23、Thecontradiction has become apparent.(矛盾表面化了。)

24、His public speeches are in directcontradiction to his personal lifestyle.(他的公开言论与他本人的生活方式恰恰相反。)

25、Now, this apparentcontradiction between geologic evidence and the stellar evolution model became known as the faint young Sun paradox.(现在,地质证据和恒星演化模型之间这种明显的矛盾被称为“微弱年轻太阳悖论”。)

26、Is that acontradiction?(这是否有点自相矛盾呢?)

27、He laid special stress on analysing the particularity of thecontradiction.(他重点分析了这一矛盾的特殊性。)

28、Milton is also sensitive to the fact that the very phrase "Christian epic" is in some way acontradiction in terms.(弥尔顿对有些事实也很敏感,在某种意义上,“基督教史诗”这个词语,本身就是矛盾的。)

contradiction 基本释义


英 [ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkʃn] 美 [ˌkɑ:ntrəˈdɪkʃn] 

