1、More and more individuals understand that they have a life-contract to fulfill, and are changing their attitude towards life, changing the very world in which they exist.(愈来愈多的个体理解到他们要实现自己的生命条约,也因而改变了他对待生活的态度—改变他们的世界。)
2、Raytheon, which also is the ship electronics systems integrator for the program, won a prime contract in 2005 to provide life-cycle engineering and support for the LPD 17.(雷神公司是船舶电子系统集成商,曾在2005年获得一份主合同为LPD17提供全寿命周期工程和支持。)
3、When she ascends, she will carry into the fifth dimension a certain amount of souls, mainly those who have agreed in their life contract to ascend at this moment with her.(当她扬升,她将带着一定数量的灵魂,主要是那些在生命合同中同意此时刻和她扬升的灵魂进入第五维度。)
4、This rule is important to the insurant under the long-term life insurance contract.(此规则对于长期人寿保险合同下的被保险人意义重大。)
5、Abstract: Bid price evaluation is the key process throughout thecontract life cycle, and it directly influences the signing and execution of contract.([摘要]投标价格评审是工程合同形成和执行过程中的关键工作,它直接影响到合同价的合理确定和有效执行。)
6、The Blues are ready to extend Terry's contract to keep him at the club for life.(俱乐部已经准备好了延长特里的合同来保证他会终身效力于斯坦福桥。)
7、The strength of the company, heavy contract, keep promise, quality of life, variety operating characteristics and principles of small profits but quick turnover, won the trust of our customers.(公司实力雄厚,重合同、守信用,质量为生命,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。)
8、Loyal has instead caused his life dreariness to the contract.(对契约的忠诚反而导致了他生命的阴郁。)
9、Good character, conscientious, hard-working, so we don't have to worry about whether the teacher can bear in the contract work, small details do not focus on work in life.(人品好,兢兢业业,吃苦耐劳,使我们不必担心外教是否能够承受合同中的工作量,不会纠结于工作生活中的小细节。)
10、I have approached this question from two aspects: the property insurance contract and the life insurance contract.(笔者分别从财产保险合同与人身保险合同两方面对这一问题进行了论述。)
11、The contract includes network operations and security, computer network defense, security life cycle management, and identity management, the Defense Department said.(国防部称,合同内容包括网络运行与安全、计算机网络防御、安全的全寿命管理以及识别管理等。)
12、He photographed for LIFE for 30 years, and remains under contract with Vanity Fair.(他已经为生活杂志工作30年,仍然是名利场杂志的签约摄影师。)
13、Thecontract life is 5 years.(这份合同有效期5年。)
14、Because eof an accident, the popularity of the actor Roc fell into the bottom of life, and hastily signed the film contract, so that it was threatened with life.(因一次事故,人气爆棚的演员大鹏跌入人生谷底,而草率签下电影契约,使其受到了生命威胁。)
15、There is the level required of daily life - to follow the instructions in a manual or to analyze a mortgage contract.(日常生活一般要求你学习物品使用指南,或者是分析抵押贷款合约。)
16、In everyday life, peoples using numeralization commodity arises in the form of "permission contract of tearing package".(在日常生活中,人们对数字化商品的使用主要以“拆封许可合同”的形式出现。)
17、Insurant, be with its belongings, life or the body serves as insurance mark, the person that is ensured by insurance contract.(被保险人,是以其财产、生命或者身体作为保险标的,受到保险合同保障的人。)
18、Life insurance contract of long period is suspended because the insured do not pay the back premiums which are due after the grace period.(长期的人身保险合同,因不付到期的续期保险费在宽限期后效力中止。)
19、Perhaps this is the contract, my life only belongs to you.(也许这就是契约,我一生都只属于你。)
20、The life or the effective period of a contract.(一项合约的有效时期或寿命。)
21、For years, the church has had a contract with a biographer, Dan Sherman, to chronicle the founder's life, but there is still no authorized book, and the church refused to let me talk to Sherman.(好几年来,山达基教会与传记作者丹谢尔曼定有合约,按年代顺序记录这位创始人的生活,但是那本书仍然不被认可,教会拒绝让我和谢尔曼见个面聊一聊。)
22、Thecontract life is limitted.(合同有效期是有限的。)
23、In the modem economic life, the contract is closely linked with people's life.(在现代经济生活中,合同与人们的生活息息相关。)
24、In 2015, Alipay has partnered with cloud storage, service life plate in the city officially launched the contract of service, the national mobile online signing times to open.(2015年,存证云已经携手支付宝,在城市服务生活板块正式推出“合同服务”,全民移动在线签约时代就此开启。)
contract life
英 [kənˈtrækt laif] 美 [ˈkɑnˌtrækt laɪf]
[经] 合同有效期限