1、Note the time on the screenshot; you will need to know it tocompare to some data you see later.(请注意屏幕快照上的时间;您将需要知道该时间,以便与稍后看到的一些数据进行比较。)
2、How does she expect it tocompare to other pandemics?(同以往的流感病毒大流行相比她是怎么看这次的呢?)
3、Q: How does the situation in Europecompare to that in the rest of the world?(问:与世界其他地区相比,欧洲的情况如何?)
4、How can itcompare to the allure of a deep cherry red or the dusky indigo of a blueberry?(黄色哪能和诱惑的深樱桃红或越橘的深靛蓝色相提并论呢?)
5、Twenty minutes of intense pleasure does notcompare to the years spent raising children.(二十分钟的极度快乐无法与花若干年来抚养孩子比较。)
6、Little cancompare to the feeling of a deep, complete, heartfelt laughing spell.(没有什么感觉比得上发自内心深处的,彻彻底底的,衷心的笑声。)
7、Another thing to notice is that I use a constant for the URI tocompare to.(另一件要注意的事是,我让URI与一个常量比较。)
8、A key process in interpersonal interaction is that of social comparison, in that we evaluate ourselves in terms of how wecompare to others.(人际交往的一个关键过程是社会比较,在这个过程中,我们通过与他人的比较来评价自己。)
9、But how exactly do you do it, and how does itcompare to, say, writing a novel?(不过具体要怎么写呢?写剧本和写小说又有哪些不同呢?)
10、B: How do theycompare to last year's?(B:与去年的相比怎么样。)
11、How does the bluecompare to other catfish? What makes it special or especially interesting?(如何比较蓝鲶和其他鲶鱼?是什么令其特殊或是特别让人感兴趣?)
12、How does your data warehousing initiativecompare to others in the industry?(你的数据仓库方案跟同行业中的公司相比如何?)
13、How does itcompare to other containers and application servers?(与其他容器和应用服务器相比又如何呢?)
14、It is very highcompare to previous reserve.(这与过去相比,属于非常高的水平。)
15、In a spreadsheet gather the data found here tocompare to the other competitors and your website too.(在一个电子表格中收集其他竞争对手和你自己网站的数据以用来作比较。)
16、So how does thiscompare to other music solutions?(这个跟其他音乐下载服务比起来如何呢?)
17、Now let'scompare to path B.(现在我们和路径B比较一下。)
18、How does the bluecompare to other catfish?(如何比较蓝鲶和其他鲶鱼?)
19、How does itcompare to Hypertable?(它与Hypertable相比如何?)
20、So how does Hope140compare to them?(那么Hope140和他们相比较呢?)
21、How does thiscompare to ADLs and UML?(如何比较它与adls和uml?)
22、compare to Eliot's city, Eliot's sense of the city, this one.(比较一下艾略特的城市,从这里看艾略特的城市意识。)
23、How do their fortunescompare to Slovak universities' alumni?(他们的收入水平与斯洛伐克大学毕业的人相比如何?)
24、Then I think, there is no such big thing and nobodycompare to it with wealth.(因此,我觉得,没有什么比这件事更重要了,任何财富也比不了它。)
25、How does a wikicompare to a blog?(跟博客相比,wiki有何不一样?)
26、So, how does ext3compare to ReiserFS?(那么,与ReiserFS相比,ext3到底如何呢?)
27、Select Show only specified options andcompare to Figure 10.(选择showonlyspecifiedoptions并将结果和图10进行比较。)
28、Then we could ask, “How did today’s customerscompare to yesterday’s?”(接着我们会问,“今天新增的客户跟昨天的那批客户相比有什么不同?”)
compare to
英 [kəmˈpɛə tu:] 美 [kəmˈpɛr tu]
把…比作, 喻为;与…相比;