
come to life造句

come to life造句

1、Besides, everything seems tocome to life in spring.(而且在春天万物似乎都恢复了生气。)

2、But when he sat with a big dictionary in his lap, hands spread as though reading braille, I saw the metaphorcome to life.(但是,当他坐在那儿,把一本厚厚的字典放在腿上,就像阅读盲文似的用手摸索着书本,我就看了一个关于那种比喻的活生生的例子。)

3、Can the deadcome to life?(死人能复活吗?)

4、Seven pieces combined with imagination make new shapescome to life.(运用想象力将七块组件组合,以全新的形式呈现在生活当中。)

5、As a backer or a spectator, I get the warm glow watching that thingcome to life, knowing that I have a piece of it in some way.(不管我支持还是围观,我看着这件东西活了起来,知道其中有我一份,都会感到散发出的温暖。)

6、By selling them, most of my books which used to gather dust in the corner cancome to life again.(卖了它们,我那些曾经尘封在角落里的书就可以重获新生了。)

7、Historical production of Cinderella story, willcome to life through a musical!(灰姑娘的故事,历史的生产,生活就会通过音乐!)

8、The drowned man can notcome to life.(淹死的人不能复活了。)

9、Jack turned around in time to see an imagecome to life in the heart of the sphere.(杰克及时地回身看见通讯球的中心出现了一幅逼真的图像。)

10、The alarms sound and the flood lights lining the yardcome to life.(警报响了起来,院子里的探照灯也四处搜寻。)

11、He is not a static design, he is mascot that cancome to life.(这不仅仅是一个静态的图案设计,这是一个活生生的吉祥物。)

12、During that time we have warm weather and fine days. All plantscome to life.(在这段时间里,天气温暖、晴朗,万物复苏。)

13、The cautious scientist in him can’t see how the mirror cell, once full of chirally flipped molecular machinery, willcome to life.(他表示,以科学工作者秉承的谨慎态度来看,很难想象完全以手性反转分子结构形成的镜像细胞会成为现实。)

14、The question is why neither Orwell’s nor Huxley’s nightmares havecome to life.(问题是为什么Orwell和Huxley的噩梦都没有成真。)

15、They should be a combination of artist and engineer: with the vision to imagine a new device, and the ability to make itcome to life.(他们应是艺术家和工程师的综合体:他们应具备设想新装置的想象力,也应具备让其变为现实的能力。)

16、However, nothing that you read or hear is without its value, and a new idea can lay dormant for a while and thencome to life.(然而,没有什么你们读到的或听到的东西是毫无价值的,一种新的想法可以潜伏一段时间,然后苏醒过来。)

17、When the Soviet Union existed, it was thought to be the place where the imaginary world of George Orwell's 1984 hadcome to life.(当苏联存在时,其被认为是乔治.奥威尔在《1984》一书中描绘的那个虚构世界的真实呈现。)

18、A computer doesn'tcome to life until it is connected to other parts of a computer system.(一台计算机只有与计算机系统的其它部分连接起来以后,它才能具有生命力。)

19、Fairy talescome to life in Belgium and France.(童话在比利时和法国变成现实。)

20、Reading a play out loud so that the various characters are more or less recognizable andcome to life takes a certain concentration.(大声地朗读剧本,可以或多或少地了解各种各样人物,变得生动有趣还需要一定的聚精会神才行。)

21、Subtly using gradients is a great way to provide depth and makes thingscome to life on the screen.(利用渐变是创造深度和真实性的好方法。)

22、You can make certain facescome to life by giving them different expressions, e. g., happiness, anger.(你可以通过给脸谱画上不同的表情使脸谱显得逼真,有生气,例如高兴、生气。)

23、She carried the hardened sponge to the seaand, up to her waist in the deep, she watched it unfold andcome to life in thewater.(她把这块海绵放进了齐腰深的海水中,注视着海绵伸展开,一串串气泡从海绵里释放出来,她看到了生命的神奇魔力。)

24、Not when their exhibitscome to life at night!(不是在自己的展品来生活在夜晚!)

25、The children watched it and saw it slowlycome to life.(渐渐地,蛇又活了过来。)

come to life 基本释义

come to life

英 [kʌm tu: laif] 美 [kʌm tu laɪf] 

苏醒过来; 表现生动; 变得活跃; 振作起来