
colonial expansion造句

colonial expansion造句

1、Englishcolonial expansion began with the colonization of Newfoundland in 1583.(英国殖民扩张开始于1583年纽芬兰的殖民化。)

2、Englishcolonial expansion began with the colonization of Newfoundland in 152. By 1900 Britain had built up a big empire, "on which the sun never set".(英国殖民扩张始于152年纽芬兰的殖民化,到1900年,英国已经建立了“太阳永不落”的大英帝国。)

3、The question of "McMahon Line" blistering in the Sino-Burmese boundary was a legacy of Britishcolonial expansion in the southwest border areas of China.(中缅边界中的“麦克马洪线”问题是英国在中国西南边疆进行殖民扩张的产物。)

4、colonial expansion is an important theme in modern Russia and America.(殖民扩张是近代俄、美两国的重要主题。)

5、It resorted to imperialist expansion and colonial exploitation, thus making conflicts between nations and RACES more bitter.(它诉诸帝国主义扩张和殖民剥削手段,从而使民族之间和种族之间的冲突更加剧烈。)

6、Ireland was the one of the most objects and an " oldest colony " of early modern Britishcolonial expansion.(爱尔兰是英国近代早期殖民活动最重要的对象之一,是英国“最古老的殖民地”。)

7、The expansion of colonial shipping in turn accelerated urbanization by creating a need for centralized docks, warehouses, and repair shops in the colonies.(殖民地航运业的扩张反过来又加速了城市化进程,因为殖民地需要集中的码头、仓库和修理铺。)

8、You know that European countries'colonial expansion is due to their domestic demand, right?(你知道欧洲国家开拓殖民地也是国内的需求对不对?)

colonial expansion 基本释义

colonial expansion