1、I regularly defragment the hard disk, tweak the registry, andclean out temporary files, but my PC is still slow.(我会定期整理磁盘碎片、打扫注册表,清理临时文件,但我的电脑仍然很慢。)
2、Iclean out my phone every couple of months, deleting people I don't need anymore.(我每两个月清理一次电话簿,删除那些我不再需要的联系人。)
3、But people are now beginning to clear out the debris,clean out houses and hospitals and salvage what they can of their normal lives.(但人们现在开始清除废墟,清理房屋和医院,打捞可用于恢复正常生活的东西。)
4、It can penetrate facial oils to get deep into pores andclean out dead skin cells.(它能穿过皮肤面部油脂进入毛孔,清理死去的皮肤细胞。)
5、clean out gutters and repair roof leaks.(清理排水沟并且修复屋顶的裂缝。)
6、clean out His Brain.(清空他的大脑。)
7、Can you hire the teenager down the street toclean out the garage?(你可以雇佣在街上闲逛的年轻人,让他为你清理车库吧?)
8、Use dust remover spray toclean out of the laptop's vents.(使用除尘器清理笔记本电脑的排气孔。)
9、If they didn'tclean out the house, I have to ask them to sign a waiver stating that everything left inside can be disposed of.(如果他们没有清理好房子,我就得叫他们签一个免权条约,任何留在屋子里的东西都可以被清理掉了。)
10、It's great's toclean out the fridge and get rid of the junk food in the pantry.(我们很高兴地清理冰箱和清除厨房里的垃圾食品。)
11、clean out the coffee machine.(清洗一下咖啡机。)
12、clean out your bookshelves and offer the books to your local library.(清理你的书架,捐些书给图书馆。)
13、clean out the bathtub when you are done.(洗完澡后请把浴缸洗干净。)
14、To solve these problems, drop the extraneous index, add a new index, or periodicallyclean out the large volume of obsolete data in some tables.(要解决这些问题,可以删除无关的索引,添加一个新的索引,或者在某些表中周期性地清除大量过期的数据。)
15、Every 2-3 months, you should do a deeper clean —clean out the refrigerator, the oven, the cabinets, closets.(每2-3个月,你应该做一个更加精细的大扫除--清空冰箱,烤箱,壁橱,衣柜等.)
16、clean out dryer lint.(清理掉干衣机的棉絮。)
17、Remove the instance owner and home. Finally,clean out the library space.(删除实例所有者和主目录。)
18、Mr. Wall asked if I would help himclean out the barrels.(沃尔先生问我能否帮他把桶彻底清扫了。)
19、Iclean out all the grease and replace it with oil so it works better in very low temperatures.(我清除掉了所有的油脂,以油替换,因此它在很低的温度下运转得更好。)
20、And then another room… and another. Then we proceeded toclean out and reorganize the garage.(接着我们又去打扫了车库还把它又整理了一番。)
21、When Iclean out my SD camera card, I just go through the groups of photos and click and drag them into the folders I've created.(当我清理相机记忆卡时,我只是仔细检查各种照片,点击并把他们拖拽进已建文件夹。)
22、It is a good time toclean out closets or the garage and to pack up things you don't need to give to charity.(是时候收拾衣橱或车库了,把那些你不再需要的东西都找出来捐给慈善机构吧。)
23、I hope you willclean out all those sticky old sweet papers and empty envelopes from your drawer this time.(我希望你这次将清除掉你抽屉中所有的黏糊糊的旧糖纸和空信封。)
24、clean out all your old clothes and donate them to someone in need.(打包你的旧衣服并且送给需要的人。)
25、Please make sure youclean out any scaffold controller and view code before switching to ActiveScaffold.(在切换到ActiveScaffold之前,请确保您已经清除了所有的scaffold控件和视图代码。)
26、We nowclean out the trace and run again(现在我们可以清除跟踪,并再次运行代码)
27、clean out your closets.(整理你的衣橱。)
clean out
英 [kli:n aut] 美 [klin aʊt]
把 ... 打扫干净; 清光