
catch out造句

catch out造句

1、Yes, casinos can do little about it, other than kicking you out if they catch you winning too much.(是的,当赌场发现你赢了太多之后,除了把你踢出去之外啥都不能做。)

2、They tried to catch her out with a difficult question.(他们试图用一道难题难倒她。)

3、Events bubble up so you'll be able to catch the event and figure out which button it originated from.(事件冒泡了等,这样您就能够捕获事件,并找出它来自哪个按钮。)

4、Watch out! You'll catch cold!(当心!你会着凉的!)

5、It's the letters that come out of this exotic place that first catch their attention.(这些来自异国他乡的信件最先引起了他们的注意。)

6、A few days later, as she was heading out of Manhattan to catch a flight to her home in Zurich, the professor phoned.(在此之后的几天里,当她前往曼哈顿乘飞机回苏黎士时,那位教授给她打来一个电话。)

7、And he jumped out of the bed and ran to catch Little Red Coat.(它从床上跳了下来,跑上去抓小红袄。)

8、Every time Funny Bot throws out a catch phrase ("Oh Lawd, this chicken sho' is hot!"), someone hands him a dollar.(每次FunnyBot说出一句口语化的话("OhLawd,thischickensho'ishot!"),就会有人递给他一美元。)

9、Owls often fly out at night. They can catch mice.(猫头鹰通常在晚上飞到外面觅食。它们会抓老鼠。)

10、For the same matter, a more successful person sees more and farther so that he can find out an opportunity and catch it to realize his aim.(同样的一件事,一个比较成功的人会看得更多更全面,因此他能够发现机遇,并且抓住这个机遇,来实现他的目标。)

11、They could sail out for days into the unknown and assess the area, secure in the knowledge that if they didn't find anything, they could turn about and catch a swift ride back on the trade winds.(他们可以在未知的海域航行数天,并对该地区进行评估。他们知道如果没有发现任何东西的话,他们可以掉头,并借着信风迅速返回。)

12、Such short lessons are prepared to empty out the afternoon for further more outdoor activities, which alwayscatch out interests.(今天如此短暂的课程是为了腾出一个悠闲的下午时光,去享受我们更加感兴趣的室外活动。)

13、No visual clues: a liar won't get a long nose like Pinocchio but you can catch them out by listening to their tone of voice.(没有可视线索:骗子不会像匹诺曹那样变成长鼻子,但是你能靠听声音来揪出他们。)

14、If your dad finds out you'll really catch it!(要是你老爸知道了,你非挨骂不可!)

15、Let mecatch out again.(别让我再看到你这么干。)

16、Catch an offending query, get a recommended solution, carry it out, and note the improvement.(捕获一个违规查询,获得建议的解决方案,执行它并留意改进效果。)

17、Burnout: you're feeling more and more detached at work and catch yourself fantasizing about walking out the door to find that 'dream job' and leaving these 'little minds' behind.(精力枯竭:你越来越感到无法投入到工作中、发现自己幻想走出门去寻找“理想工作”、就此摆脱这些“胸无大志者”。)

18、Unless you put out your water-jars when it rains you will catch no water.(天下雨的时侯,你如果不把你的水缸拿出来,你还是得不到水。)

19、If you're trying to catch someone out, once they've done their spiel, ask plenty of difficult questions.(如果你想抓某人的包,一旦他们开始喋喋不休口若悬河,你就可以扔出一堆难题来考他们。)

20、The bursts of speed needed to catch their prey tire them out - meaning they need to rest after a kill.(它们在追杀猎物时的冲刺速度已经透支了体力,这意味着它们在上一次捕杀结束后需要养精蓄锐。)

21、The frog darted out its tongue to catch a mosquito.(这只青蛙突然伸出舌头捕捉蚊子。)

22、She was heading out of Manhattan to catch a flight to her home in Zürich.(她正准备离开曼哈顿,搭乘飞往苏黎世家中的航班。)

23、If anything, his father worked with even more enthusiasm than usual, because on Sundays he could catch the people who were usually out during the week.(如果硬说有什么区别的话,就是他父亲比平常工作的更热枕,因为在星期天可以找到那些在工作日不在的人。)

24、The FIFA team also concluded that altitude is likely to alter the aerodynamics of the ball in a way that could catch players out.(FIFA团队也推断,海拔可能会改变足球的空气力学,这样的话很可能会让球员们出错。)

25、You just wait till I catch you out!(你就等着我抓到你吧!)

26、They will try to catch you out, so have all your answers well prepared.(他们想挑你的毛病,所以你要把所有的回答都准备好。)

catch out 基本释义

catch out

英 [kætʃ aut] 美 [kætʃ aʊt] 
