1、cast aside all illusion and go into the battle.(丢掉幻想,投入战斗。)
2、They would becast aside by the people.(他们将会被人民所唾弃。)
3、Hecast aside the newspaper impatiently.(不耐烦地把报纸扔到一边。)
4、How can youngsterscast aside etiquette and shame?(年轻人又怎能将礼仪和羞耻心抛到脑后呢?)
5、cast aside all illusions and go into the battle.(消除所有的幻想然后就去战斗。)
6、Some worry that the good work will becast aside.(有些人担心好的工作将会被废除。)
7、Wecast aside many thing when they are no longer needed.(当许多东西不能再用时,我们便把它们扔到一边。)
8、As soon as he got a new TV set hecast aside the old one.(他一有了新的电视机,就扔了那台旧的。)
9、As soon as she became rich, shecast aside all her old friends.(她一旦变富就把所有的老朋友都甩了。)
10、I want tocast aside the burden, Tam I need to feed themselves.(我很想抛下这个包袱,担我需要养活自己。)
11、Don'tcast aside those worn-out gloves; they may be used yet if properly mended.(不要把那些旧手套扔掉,好好补一补,还可以用嘛!)
12、His sympathies are clearly with the workers who've beencast aside in the name of progress.(他对工人们的同情显而易见,工人们在进步的名义下被抛弃了。)
13、You mustcast aside all doubts and tackle the job with confidence.(你必须消除一切疑虑,充满信心地着手进行这项工作。)
14、Where once retirement was seen as a brief reward after a long struggle through some miserable job, it is now akin to beingcast aside.(在过去,退休被视为一份苦差事之后的短暂回报,而现在,退休就像是被抛弃了。)
15、Hecast aside all his old friends when he became rich.(他发了财就把所有的老朋友都抛弃了。)
16、But if everything can be repeated if You Lan is being willinglycast aside his Hongli.(但如果一切可以重来的话,尤兰甘心愿意自己就是遭人唾弃的洪丽。)
17、Hecast aside all his inhibitions.(他抛弃了一切禁忌。)
18、Other dancers in her book report club rules beingcast aside.(在她的书里,别的舞娘写道,俱乐部管理规则放在一边。)
19、cast aside if this poem, The only - only string of grape, what significance.(如果抛开这首诗,只是—串葡萄而已,还有何意义。)
20、Do notcast aside the love of truth.(不要抛弃对真理的热爱。)
21、Hecast aside all his old books.(他把所有的旧书都扔掉了。)
22、Peoplecast aside factories, villages, and even families in their pursuit of the new.(人们喜新厌旧,抛弃旧的厂房、村庄,甚至是自己的家庭。)
23、Now it is encouraging writers tocast aside their publishers.(现在,又开始鼓励笔者们绕开出版商。)
24、He latercast aside his pacifism.(后来,他放弃了和平主义立场。)
cast aside
英 [kɑ:st əˈsaid] 美 [kæst əˈsaɪd]
抛弃; 排除; 废除