
by plane造句

by plane造句

1、As the plane took off, I felt a thrill of excitement for I had never travelledby plane before.(飞机起飞时,我感到一阵激动,因为在此之前我从未乘飞机出去旅游过。)

2、I like going thereby plane.(我喜欢乘飞机到那里去。)

3、I travelledby plane to Madrid.(我坐飞机去了马德里旅行。)

4、I will separate her from the rock underneath her, and later she will be lifted away by a crane to be takenby plane to Shanghai.(我将先把她与石座分开,随后吊车将把她吊起并空运到上海。)

5、OSA has been implicated in performance errorsby plane and ship pilots and drivers of trains, trucks, and automobiles.(飞行员和船员、火车司机、货车司机和汽车驾驶员的操作过失都会涉及到阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症。)

6、The president visits other countriesby plane.(总统乘飞机区别国访问。)

7、They won't goby plane any more.(他们不会再乘飞机去了。)

8、To travel by bus is easy, cheap and convenient, though not so fast as travellingby plane or so comfortable as by train.(乘公共汽车旅行虽然没有乘飞机那么快,也没有乘火车那么舒适,但是很容易,也很便宜方便。)

9、I agree with Matthew that it doesn't need to be a commercial production, with loads of books run out and sentby plane and truck to book stores.(我同意Matthew的观点,不需要一个商业版本,印刷大量的书籍,用各种交通工具运送到全球各地的书店中。)

10、Travellingby plane usually conjures up images of a few too many hours spent twiddling thumbs in chairs with unsettling stains.(乘飞机旅行常常使人浮现出种种画面:不断摆弄拇指,在座位上左扭右扭打发漫长的时间。)

11、I went thereby plane.(我是坐飞机去那里的。)

12、Usually he would have goneby plane, but now he wanted to have some time on his own before he got back home.(通常他会坐飞机去的,但现在他想在回家前有自己的一段时间。)

13、She leftby plane for Berlin.(她乘飞机去柏林了。)

14、From the moment people arriveby plane or train to the moment they leave 'they need to feel their stay in the capital has been memorable'.(游客们从做飞机或者火车抵达伦敦的那一刻开始,一直到他们离开,他们都要有一种感觉,那就是他们在伦敦待着的每一秒都值得记忆。)

15、The town of Bor, half an hourby plane down the Nile from Juba, was once a busy trading post but now feels on a different planet.(从朱巴乘机出发顺尼罗河直下,半小时可以抵达博尔镇,这里曾经是繁荣的交易地区,而如今却面目全非。)

16、The next day the duck was to be transported to Californiaby plane to amaze them either.(次日,这只“大鸭子”将被飞机运往加州。加州人准备接受视觉挑战吧!)

17、The ambassador and his wife were fed a massive dinner, including more than a dozen dishes and frozen yogurt flown inby plane from Saint-Tropez.(这位大使和他的妻子吃的是奢华而巨量的晚餐,包括12余道菜和从圣特罗佩空运过来的冷冻酸奶。)

18、You can get there just as cheaplyby plane.(你坐飞机到那儿同样便宜。)

19、by plane and train I made my way to the lakeside town of Morges, near Lausanne, while Galaxy freewheeled down from his lair to meet me.(我乘飞机换火车来到洛桑附近的湖边小镇莫尔日,盖勒柯斯从他的巢穴轻松骑车来会我。)

20、The landlady and the landlord would returnby plane that night.(当晚女房东和男房东将乘飞机回来。)

21、Is it convenient to get thereby plane?(乘飞机去那里方便吗?)

22、Then I'd like to fly to Denver for a stay of two nights. I want to go on to Los Angelesby plane for an indefinite stay of three or four days.(然后,我乘飞机到丹佛,在那儿待两个晚上,最后乘飞机到洛杉矶,在那儿待3天或4天。)

23、Today, people easily cross the Atlantic Oceanby plane and cavalierly refer to the great body of water as "the pond."(时至今日,人们乘坐飞机能轻易的飞越大西洋,轻慢地对待这宏大的水体如“池塘”。)

24、They argued about traveling by train versus travelingby plane.(他们争论乘火车旅行好还是坐飞机旅行好。)

25、The 14-year-old and her family had traveledby plane from Canton, Ohio, to Ho Chi Minh City and then by bus deep into the Mekong Delta.(这个14岁小姑娘和家人一起从俄亥俄州Canton一路飞行到达越南胡志明市,乘坐汽车前往湄公河三角地带。)

26、It's two hoursby plane.(乘飞机需要2小时。)

by plane 基本释义

by plane

英 [bai plein] 美 [baɪ plen] 
