1、by common consent, it was a sub-standard display in the first-half of the Champions League second-leg.(地,我们在这冠军联赛次回合的上半场表现是低于标准之下的。)
2、Law is an utterance determined by the common consent of the people.(法律是全体公民一致同意所决定意见之表达。)
3、He's a genius,by common consent.(他是公认的天才。)
4、by common consent the village green was turned into a playground for children.(大家一致同意把村中的草地改为儿童游戏场所。)
5、Shakespeare % is,by common consent, the greatest English dramatist.(莎士比亚被公认是英国最伟大的剧作家。)
6、The trial or petit jury of 12 persons is used in trials of common law, both criminal and civil, except where the right to a jury trial is waived by consent of all parties at law.(对12人的审判或小陪审团是在共同使用的法律,刑事和民事审判,除非对陪审团审判的权利在法律上是由各方同意豁免。)
7、The action standard of commercial banks,by common consent, refers to the principle of legal business of a relationship commercial bank.(商业银行行为规范,在广义上是指商业银行法人业务行为的基本准则。)
8、He was the most capable person in our groupby common consent.(大家公认他是我们小组中最能干的人。)
9、Since 2007 Brazil has begun to grow faster than the regional average-althoughby common consent its red-hot pace of 11% in the year to March 2010 will subside to less than half that rate next year.(从2007年到2010年三月,巴西经济每年高速增长11%。尽管人们普遍认为巴西明年经济的增长连这一速度的一半都达不到,但自2007年起,巴西经济增长速度就一直高于该区平均值。)
10、It was,by common consent, our finest performance.(人们公认这是我们最好的一次演出。)
11、IN A nation of stoics, the most patient sufferers—by common consent—are those from Tohoku, the poor north-eastern area struck by earthquake and tsunami on March 11th.(在这个崇尚忍耐的国家,大家公认最能忍耐的是京东地区,日本东北于3月11日遭受了可怕的地震和海啸。)
12、The surgeon has the common misconception that informed consent is somehow invalidated by the presence of specific medications.(这名外科医师犯了一种常见的认识错误,即知情同意可能因为特殊用药而站不住脚。)
13、Arsenal are,by common consent, pretty - if you find pretty the sight of a football team passing the ball around at enormous speed and never quite getting round to shooting.(阿森纳正是被一致同意踢法悦目的—只要你发现悦目足球原来就是看见一支球队以高速不断来回传球,然后从不太找到起脚打门的机会。)
by common consent
英 [bai ˈkɔmən kənˈsent] 美 [baɪ ˈkɑmən kənˈsɛnt]