1、The bank had to pay tobuy out most of the 200 former partners.(银行不得不花钱买断200个前合伙人的多数股权。)
2、Banks have raked in profit from the buy-out industry's appetite for loans and deal-making advice.(银行界从并购行业对贷款和交易订立建议的需求中赚取了大量的利润。)
3、Similarly, I think management's free equity in a buy-out should never be more than 15 per cent combined, and usually materially less than that.(同样,在管理层收购中,管理层所得的免费股权合计不应超过15%,实际上通常也远低于这个比例。)
4、The idea came from buy-out and hedge funds.(这个理念出自收购基金和对冲基金。)
5、This may all be very confusing to the visitor. Which is the best product tobuy out of hundreds to choose from?(这使得访客们感到大惑不解,在数百个选择机会当中,哪一种产品才是最好的呢?)
6、At a future date, managers will be invited to apply for a management buy-out.(在将来的某一天,经理们将受邀参加一项管理层控股收购。)
7、Perhaps a private-equity bid will be tabled, possibly even a hostile one-the first on such a scale in the present buy-out boom.(或许一项私人股本竞购计划(甚至可能是一项恶性计划)会付诸商议,这可能是目前的并购风潮中首个这等规模的计划。)
8、The mere threat of a buy-out also helps keep managers at all listed firms on their toes.(仅仅是被收购的威胁也可以使所有上市公司的经理人们保持警觉。)
9、Much of the debt at companies that buy-out firms purchased at the market's peak will fall due between 2012 and 2014.(收购公司在市场的高峰期所购买的企业的大部分债务将预计在2012年与2014年期间有所减少。)
10、As if the buy-out issue was not bad enough, Banks face a bigger danger elsewhere, linked to the subprime-mortgage crisis.(如果说这类收购案并不是太糟的话,银行还在其他地方面临着与次级房贷危机有关的更大风险。)
11、Among the keenest of them is Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional (BTPN), which entered the market in 2008 after a buy-out by Texas Pacific Group, a private-equity firm.(其中最有竞争力的是国家退休基金储蓄银行(下文称BTPN),它被私募公司德克萨斯太平洋集团收购,之后于2008年进入小额信贷市场。)
12、In the boom years of 2006-07 nothing, it seemed, could constrain the leveraged buy-out (LBO) industry.(在杠杆收购(LBO)行业蓬勃发展的2006-07年,看起来没有什么可以抑制它。)
13、But the partnership agreement is set to expire in two years, at which point provisions kick in allowing one side tobuy out the other.(但双方的合作协议将在两年内到期,其中据说有一条协议是其中一方可以买断另外一方。)
14、The trial was a referendum on who bears responsibility for the excesses of the buy-out boom.(这次审判是对那些过度收购热潮的负责承担方的一次公投。)
15、During the buy-out boom, general partners could levy high fees and investors would still flock to them.(在并购成风的时候,普通投资人收取高额费用,而投资人还是蜂拥而去。)
16、Thriving credit markets have helped buy-out firms raise plenty of debt to pay for acquisitions.(信贷市场的兴盛为收购集团提供了收购所需的大笔的资金。)
17、Buy-out firms have to bring more to the table than a keen eye for value, however.(不过除了要有能够发现价值的锐利眼光之外,杠杆收购公司还需要更多的东西。)
18、Such companies look ideal from the point of view of buy-out groups.(从收购集团的观点来看,这些公司十分理想。)
19、In May he joined forces with EQT, a Swedish private-equity company, tobuy out Gambro, a Swedish medical-technology company.(5月份,他联合瑞典一家私人股权公司EQT共同收购了瑞典制药技术公司金宝医疗(Gambro)。)
20、This involves a financial sacrifice, since those who put their shares into the holding will surrender part of their dividends so they can be used tobuy out other members.(这将引起财务上的牺牲,因为那些将他们的股份投入控股公司的人会放弃他们的部分股息以用来买断其他股东成员。)
21、Although both Banks were burnt by Argentina's collapse in 2001, BBVA went on tobuy out the other shareholders of its Mexican subsidiary in 2004.(尽管2001年阿根廷的经济崩溃使两大银行差点同时破产,西班牙对外银行在2004年,还是咬牙买下了它在墨西哥子公司的剩余股份。)
22、He had successful stints as a manager at Coca-Cola and Pillsbury, a food group, before leading a buy-out of one of its subsidiaries, Godfather's Pizza.(他任职过可口可乐的经理;在皮尔斯·伯里食品公司被它的一个子公司——教父披萨收购前,他也曾担任过经理一职,这两段经历都非常成功。)
23、The bigger problem for buy-out firms is posed by long-standing restrictions on bank takeovers by non-financial firms.(对于收购方更大的问题是,对非金融机构接管银行长期存在的限制。)
24、In return for managing buy-out funds and sharing in the risk, private equity managers traditionally got a management fee and a share in the fund's performance.(作为对管理收购基金和分担风险的回报,私人股本管理机构一般都会收取一笔管理费,另外提取基金收益的一定比例。)
25、The petrochemicals industry is cyclical, but caution was in short supply as the buy-out cycle neared its end.(石化行业是周期性的,但是随着收购接近尾声,担保供应不足。)
26、But there is no denying that Banks compete with buy-out firms, too.(但是,不可否认,银行与收购公司之间还是存在竞争的。)
buy out
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