1、Youburst in on her doing something dubious and she is trying to neutralise it by involving you.(你在她做可疑事情的时候突然出现,她是在试图把你卷进来,从而息事宁人。)
2、Since that bubbleburst in 2007, everything has changed.(随着泡沫在2007年破灭,一切都改变了.)
3、Im sorry toburst in on you like this, but Im really upset.(我很抱歉这样突然地找您,但我真的很心烦。)
4、When the dotcom bubbleburst in 2000, share valuations were at ridiculously high levels.(当2000年互联网泡沫破裂的时候,股票市值已高得离谱。)
5、Now the housing bubble hasburst in turn, leaving the financial landscape strewn with wreckage.(现在轮到地产泡沫破灭了,使得整个金融业尸横遍野。)
6、Heburst in, making no effort to repress his fury.(他冲了进来,毫不掩饰自己的愤怒。)
7、I justburst in now, I look up there and go that's atomic hydrogen.(我现在突然出现,我在这抬头看看然后离开,那就是氢原子。)
8、Heburst in on the meeting.(他闯进来打断了会议。)
9、The project's nosedive sounds eerily familiar: it was a victim of a Miami real estate bubble thatburst in the 1920s.(建筑工程的突然变故听起来又诡异又熟悉:这座岛是迈阿密20年代房地产泡沫的牺牲品。)
10、The lampburst in shards of glass.(油灯摔成了玻璃碎片。)
11、andburst in ready to kill him.(他们闯进了他的房子并打算杀了他。)
12、The last deflation scare, after the Internet bubbleburst in 2000, turned out to be a false alarm.(上一次拉响通缩警报是在2000年互联网泡沫破裂后,后来证明那只是“狼来了”。)
13、After the dotcom bubbleburst in 2001, many firms turned to Linux and other open-source software to save money.(2001年互联网的泡沫破灭后,许多公司为了节省开支,都转而使用Linux和其他开源软件。)
14、The West Coast’s second-biggest newspaper has seen losses mount since the dotcom bubbleburst in 2000-01.(自网络泡沫在2000-01年破灭之后,这家西海岸第二大报纸已经开始亏损了。)
15、The policeburst in and told everyone to stand still.(警察突然闯进来,要大家站着别动。)
16、When its bubbleburst in 1991, Japan’s households saved 15% of their income.(在91年经济泡沫破灭后,日本居民将其收入的15%用于储蓄。)
17、Of course, it has been much more difficult to make money in markets since the dotcom bubbleburst in 2000.(当然,自2000年互联网泡沫破灭以来,在市场上赚钱已经比过去难得多。)
18、Then there was aburst in population growth.(随后人口激增。)
19、There is aburst in the water pipe.(水管爆了。)
20、I swept it along the carpet, and then memoryburst in: my late anguish was swallowed in a paroxysm of despair.(我顺着桌毯一拂,记忆跟着就来了:我原来的悲痛被一阵突然的绝望吞没了。)
21、After the dotcom bubbleburst in 2000-01, the Fed slashed short-terminterest rates to 1% by 2003.(在2000-2001年,当互联网泡沫破灭后,联储会不断消减短期利息,使短期利息在2003年降到1%。)
22、A housing bubble thatburst in 2008 means many households cannot easily increase their taxable spending.(2008年房地产泡沫破裂意味着许多家庭无法轻易地增加他们的应税开销。)
23、Another bubble, in commercial property, hasburst in even more spectacular fashion.(在商业房屋业中,另一个泡沫甚至以一种惊人的方式在破灭。)
burst in
英 [bə:st in] 美 [bɚst ɪn]