1、Some business ownersburn out quickly from having to carry all the responsibility for the success of their business on their own shoulders.(有些企业主因为要独自承担企业成功所需的全部责任而迅速筋疲力尽。)
2、If you build a fire, then merely sit and watch it, it willburn out.(如果你生了一堆火,那么只需要坐在那里看着,它会自己燃烧。)
3、The inventor Henry Bessemer discovered that directing a blast of air at melted iron in a furnace wouldburn out the impurities that made the iron brittle.(发明家亨利·贝塞默发现,在熔炉里对熔化的铁直接吹一吹空气,就会烧坏使铁变脆的杂质。)
4、These are natural rhythms and following these rhythms are important, because if you don't, you willburn out.(遵守这个自然规律很重要,否则,你会精疲力尽。)
5、The track of every single firework, including the accurate time to lift, reach the highest point andburn out, will be controlled by computers.(据悉,每枚烟花火星的轨迹,何时腾空,何时升至制高点,何时燃尽,均将由电脑控制。)
6、Don't try to run the whole show or do most of the work. Others will become less involved. And you willburn out.(不要试着去操控整个事情或者包揽所有的工作。否去其他人会参与的很少。而你也会被累死的。)
7、Think of your metabolism like a camp fire. If you don't want a camp fire toburn out, you have to constantly add wood and logs to it.(试想,你的新陈代谢就像一团篝火,如果你不想它灭掉,你就得时不时地往里面添些木头柴火。)
8、Many people work their muscles hard at the gym for a couple of weeks, thenburn out.(许多人周末在体育馆锻炼身体然后疲惫地离开。)
9、Run too fast and you'llburn out.(跑得太快会使你筋疲力尽。)
10、Daniel Isquith, who has taught math at Calhounfor eight years, said he was initially “worried the kids wouldburn out” duringthe long classes.(在卡尔霍恩教了八年数学的丹尼尔仪斯奎特说他一开始在那些长时间的课堂里“担心孩子们会崩溃”。)
11、The man is rarely theburn out the mistakes.(天下人犯这种拔苗助长错误的是很少的。)
12、Unlike other light sources, LEDs don't "burn out;" they simply get dimmer over time.(不像其他光源,LED灯不会“熄灭”;它们只会随着时间增长变暗。)
13、I've seen way too many marketing professionalsburn out and stray away from the basics.(我看到过太多的销售专家都已经手足无措,并且远远偏离了基础。)
14、I think that's a big reason why so many people (and especially entrepreneurs)burn out so quickly.(这就是为什么有如此多的人(特别是企业家)这么快就破产的一个很重要的原因。)
15、In fact, research shows that happy employees are better paid, enjoy more job security and are less likely to quit orburn out.(事实上,研究表明,快乐的雇员得到的薪水也更高,更有工作安全感,也较少辞职或倦怠。)
16、"They willburn out, they will get sick, and there will be no other option but to place someone in a nursing home, which is what nobody wants," Feinberg says.(“他们会精疲力尽,他们会得病,除了安排人在家照顾没有别的选择,这一点没人想要这样,”费因伯格说。)
17、Without clear feedback, Lewis warns, you are apt toburn out faster because you will not have clear goals or accurate measurement.(Lewis警告说,如果员工没有获得明晰的反馈,就容易更快的精力枯竭,因为没有清晰的目标或者准确的衡量方式。)
18、The sun willburn out in due course, and we have to be off this planet if our species is to survive.(太阳在未来某天会燃烧殆尽,为了生存我们不得不离开这个星球。)
19、If you are constantly overwhelmed, you willburn out.(如果你不断受到打击,你将会心力交瘁。)
20、Fires in California continue toburn out of control, and several small towns in the forests near San Francisco are still in danger.(加州大火继续失控,旧金山附近的森林中的几个小镇仍处于危险之中。)
21、The Harvard admissions office has an essay on its Web site called "Time Out orburn out for the Next Generation.(哈佛大学的招生办公室在它的网页上粘贴了这样一篇文章——为了明天是暂停退出还是燃尽青春。)
22、Another less-than-obvious truth is that it's not worth waiting for your old bulbs toburn out before you fit the new ones.(另一个不那么显而易见的事实是,等到你的旧灯泡烧坏再换新灯泡是不合算的。)
23、Bob Lefsetz, a veteran industry figure, speculates that music games, which burst onto the scene in 2005, couldburn out just as quickly.(一个经验丰富的行业人物bobLefsetz推测:音乐游戏这一2005年的突起新秀可能去势很快。)
24、If we answer this call to often weburn out.(如果我们总是接这样的电话,非得累死不可。)
25、On top of that, lasers last for a long time, whereas xenon lampsburn out and need to be replaced periodically.(除此之外,激光能够持续更长时间段,而氙气灯较快燃尽,需定期更换。)
26、Loneliness, homesickness and 'burn out' are the main psychological problems you may face.(孤独,想家和‘忧虑’是海员们的主要心理问题。)
27、That is necessary because the balloon concentrates sunlight up to 400 times, and without this cooling the cell would quicklyburn out.(水冷式设计之所以必要,是因为这种气球可以集中400倍的阳光,太阳能面板若没有冷却设计,会很快地晒到烧掉。)
burn out
英 [bə:n aut] 美 [bɚn aʊt]