1、New studiesbring to our attention that high levels of cholesterol might make the brain cells more prone to dementia.(新的研究使我们注意到高胆固醇可能使脑细胞较易痴呆。)
2、We will like to express our gratitude to you for taking the trouble to bring the matter to our attention.(承蒙您劳神将此事提醒我们注意,我们在此谨致谢意。)
3、While it does provide a way for the Universe to bring attention to a situation, we sometimes become so accustomed to the feeling that it becomes part of our life.(虽然它让人们关注一个处境,但是有时候我们对于这种感觉过于习以为常,因为它已经成为了我们生活的一部分。)
4、I think it is our serious responsibility to pay close attention to what our kids are listening to - to look at the albums and tapes they bring home.(我认为紧密关注我们的孩子听什么是我们非常严肃的责任。)
5、The widespread existence's state-owned Holding company's out of control question, can not butbring to our attention.(广泛存在的国有控股公司的失控问题,不得不引起我们的重视。)
6、Just as the famous British art theoretician, Willoiam Hogarth, said, "Because of their immensity, by all means, they willbring to our attention and make us appreciate from the heart."(这样,就如英国艺术理论家荷迦兹所说的,“由于它们的巨大,无论如何会引起我们的注意,激起我们的赞美。”)
7、It needs to bring highly attention to the serious pollution of the agricultural product and partial countryside in our country.(我国部分农村和农产品已受到严重污染,需要引起高度重视。)
8、With more and more global environmental problems, we can not but bring the environmental protection concept in Buddhism to our attention.(随着全球环境问题的日益突出,佛教中所体现的环保理念日益引起人们的重视。)
9、But, still can appear in every year many of the safety accidents, and these need to bring our great attention.(但是,在每年依然会出现众多的安全事故,这些就需要引起我们的高度重视。)
10、From time to time, the media may bring our attention to people in need after a great disaster. However, we seldom care about their daily life.(平时只有在一次大灾难之后,媒体才将人们的眼光聚焦于他们,对他们的日常生活,我们更是知之甚少。)
11、The frontage influence causes our environment to be better, but the negative influence must bring to our high attention.(正面影响使我们的环境更好,而负面影响必须引起我们高度的重视。)
12、We focus our attention on how to process image with difference and bring forward a method analyzing the movement properties of the myocardial cells image sequences by the means of improving it.(在此基础上介绍了如何用减影法进行图像处理,并对它进行改进提出了检测心肌细胞序列图像运动特征的一种方法。)
13、I do not disagree, but I am afraid it shouldn't be too long for that. There are other things I would want tobring to our attention.(我不反对这样,但是担心京剧的时间不是很长,我们可以再安排一些其他的项目。)
bring to our attention