
bring the house down造句

bring the house down造句

1、In his apartment, there was only one tiny window. So they would bring the chairs down, put them in front of the house, and enjoy the evening air.(而他住的公寓里只有一扇小得可怜的窗子,于是他们把椅子拿到楼下,在屋门口摆开,享受傍晚的凉风。)

2、Join an all new cast of quirky animals tobring the house down.(所有新加入的演员古怪动物,把房子。)

3、This has led local residents to nickname the building the House Without Windows, although there are two large rooftop openings that bring daylight down to the two secluded courtyards.(这让当地的居民戏称这是一个没有窗户的房子,尽管有两个大的屋顶开口,把光线带到两个僻静的庭院。)

4、Whenever we have a family gathering, my father always tells jokes that bring down the house.(我们每次家庭聚会时,我爸总是会讲笑话,使家里笑声满堂。)

5、Some Banks restrict the use of funds to down payments on a house as a way to bring in business to their mortgage arms.(一些银行将这笔资金的使用限定在缴纳房子的首付款上,从而为旗下的抵押贷款分支机构带来业务。)

6、A plan, on the other hand, lays out the structural details that will bring that house into existence, down to every last window, rain gutter and light socket.(设计图则与此相反,它承载的是要把这个建筑从纸上变成成品所需要的所有建造细节,细化到每一扇窗户、每一条排水沟和每一个电灯插座。)

7、Do you have what it takes to bring down the house?(你有需要采取哪些措施来降低房子吗?)

8、Sarah is a musical genius. Her performances alwaysbring the house down.(莎拉非常有音乐才能。她的表演总能赢得满堂彩。)

9、The monkeys of the circus always give very funny and interesting performances and every time they make their appearance on the stage theybring the house down.(马戏团的猴子表演令人发笑,每当它们出现在舞台上,总能博得全场观众的喝采。)

bring the house down 基本释义

bring the house down