1、Bring wilted veggies back to life - Soak wilted greens, carrots or celery in cold water for 20 minutes to bring the crunch back.(如何再利用些干瘪的蔬菜-把那些个干瘪的绿叶菜胡萝卜或者芹菜在冷水中浸泡20分钟,那样它们吃起来又可以嘎吱嘎吱响拉?)
2、Japanese researchers will launch a project this year to resurrect the long-extinct mammoth by using cloning technology to bring the ancient pachyderm back to life in around five years time.(日本研究者们于今年将发起一项研究,通过克隆技术使早已灭绝的猛犸象复生,在5年的时间里将古老的厚皮动物重生。)
3、Physically, God, who is all-powerful, has the ability to destroy andbring back to life all creatures, who are limited and are, therefore, subject to God's limitless power.(从身体上说,神,全能者,拥有毁灭和给所有有限的创造物重新带来生命的能力,因此,创造物服从于神城镇限的力量。)
4、He wasn't the first to attempt to bring tiny beings back to life in this manner.(他并不是第一个企图用这种方式让这些微不足道的生灵复生的人。)
5、The onus today is really on us to take a step back and look at our own lives and see where and how we can bring more peace in our life and in the world on an ongoing basis.(今天我们承担着巨大的责任,我们需要退一步,审视我们自己的生活和看看从哪里如何能带来更多的和平。)
6、These events may bring tears, but they are also a time to celebrate survival and the ability to get back to a normal life.(这些活动也许会让人流泪,但它们也是庆祝幸存、庆祝能够恢复正常生活的时间。)
7、My father died last year—I wish I could bring him back to life.(去年我父亲逝世了—我要是能使他起死回生该多好啊。)
8、Flowers can bring a dull room back to life.(鲜花可使沉闷的房间恢复生气。)
9、You can come back to sanity and goodness and bring that sanity into your life.(你可以回复健康和美好,并把这种健康带到你的生活中。)
10、When the world starts coming on too strong, taking a few moments to refresh your memory of the small joys in your life can bring a calmness, centering, and contentment back to your day.(这个世界变化太快冲击太多,当我们用那些生活中微小而简单的欢乐重建我们的记忆后,我们的世界就又回到了平静、自我、充实的每一天了。)
11、Hopefully he'll bring the Planet of the Apes series back to life.(希望导演能让《人猿星球》系列重获新生。)
12、The museum's collections bring this heritage back to life with a fascinating blend of working and static displays.(博物馆的藏品通过动态和静态展示的迷人融合,让这一遗产重获生命。)
13、This can bring you back from losing your life or help to avoid hernias after coughing for days and weeks.(这可以把你从要命的咳嗽中拯救出来,避免咳嗽几天或几周后出现疝气。)
14、Ms Shulman does well to bring the poems back to life, but in the course of overstretching her argument she forgets about the man.(舒尔曼女士复活了怀特的诗歌,这一点做得很好,但是在过度论述一些观点时,她把他遗忘了。)
15、What have you found helps bring you back to the moment you're in and really start to enjoy the life you're living right now?(你找到了什么东西能帮助你活在当下,并且开始享受你现在的生活呢?)
16、Not because of what they might cause; they would certainly bring Jacob back to life—Susan had no doubt about that, or worries.(这并不是因为把它们种下去会造成什么结果,它们肯定会让雅各布复活——苏珊对此根本就没有疑问,或者是根本就不担心。)
17、Firstly, you have to think about what can I do to respect the building and how can I bring it back to life?(首先,你必须思考我能做些什么来尊重这座建筑,我怎样才能让它起死回生呢?)
18、Experts studying them hope to find the genetic secrets of the mammoth and bring them back to life.(研究猛犸的专家们希望能破解猛犸的基因秘密,让它们获得重生。)
19、So every time I try to talk about him, to bring him back to life, as I'm doing now, I feel a great sadness, an emptiness, as if I were on a cliff, and I have to be silent, or else drink.(所以每次我提起他的时候,都像我现在这样,想使他复活过来,我感到非常悲伤,非常空虚,就好像我站在悬崖峭壁上,我必须默不作声地站着,或者喝口酒壮壮胆子。)
20、Kurzweil hopes to bring his dead father back to life.(库兹韦尔甚至希望自己已经去世的父亲可以复活。)
21、As soon as the king of Israel read the letter, he tore his robes and said, 'Am I God? Can I kill andbring back to life?(以色列王看了信就撕裂衣服,说,我岂是神,能使人死使人活呢?)
22、Bring them back to home you will start a new life style.(把它带回家,你马上就会开始一种全新的生活方式。)
23、If I just keep them lightly polished and conditioned once a year, an hour a year, it's more than enough to bring them back to life.(如果我只是轻轻擦拭,一年一次,一年一小时,他们就会更耐用。)
24、Bargaining - offering to do things for God if God will bring the loved one back to life.(讨价还价:对“神”或“上帝”承诺去做某事,只要“神”/“上帝”可以使失去的亲友复生。)
25、You can unfreeze the permafrost in Siberia and bring things back to life that have been encased in ice for a million years, so who knows?(西伯利亚的永久冻元带会解冻,并给冰层包裹的生物体带来生命的复苏,真是难以置信啊”。)
bring back to life