
branch out造句

branch out造句

1、I decided tobranch out on my own.(我决定自己开业。)

2、Plans tobranch out to older customers in alliance with Yahoo Japan.(公司计划与雅虎日本联手挖掘年龄大些的客户群。)

3、The book firm has decided tobranch out into selling tapes and CDs.(这家图书公司决定扩展销售磁带和CD的业务。)

4、As your wine education progresses,branch out to try other brands and varieties.(随着你对葡萄酒了解,再扩大品尝范围去喝其他品牌和品种酒。)

5、Fourth, we need to let our cooperationbranch out into new areas.(第四,拓展合作新领域。)

6、Once you find that one vegetable you like, you canbranch out from there.(一旦你找到一种你喜欢的蔬菜,从此就可以开始吃很多种蔬菜。)

7、The stepsbranch out using a fork, and come back together using a join.(步骤使用分叉分出,并使用联合返回。)

8、They also designed a new wing tobranch out from one side, which houses the International Contemporary Sculpture Museum.(他们还设计了新的边厢,从主体的一侧伸出,用作国际当代雕塑博物馆。)

9、They neverbranch out into tempting new areas, because they don't want to risk their grade - point average.(他们从探索的新领域,因为他们不想拿分数冒险——平均分数。)

10、branch out of exception handler block.(从例外处理常式区块分支出来。)

11、The treesbranch out over the river.(那些树的枝子伸到河上去了。)

12、Future plans are to develop Spring.NET 2.0 and also tobranch out into other areas based on feedback from our users.(我们计划继续开发spring.net2.0并根据用户的反馈向其他领域进军。)

13、Start with a small segment of your application, and graduallybranch out to the rest as time permits.(最开始应该从应用程序的小块片断开始,然后在时间允许的情况下逐步扩大到其余部分。)

14、This year is slow, but I think business willbranch out rapidly next year.(今年生意清淡,但我想明年会蓬勃发展。)

15、branch out from familiar reading topics.(跳出你所熟悉的阅读主题。)

16、Designers are continuing tobranch out with new collections for low cost clothing retailers.(设计师们不断为低价服装零售商开发新的系列。)

17、The companybranch out into car leasing.(公司的业务从汽车零售扩大到汽车出租。)

18、Some peoplebranch out from their main job to take on consulting work or teach a course in their field.(有些人在自己的主工作外,还做了兼职工作,比如咨询工作或在该领域教授课程。)

19、Thenbranch out to do this with new friends, too.(然后再试着开始结交新的朋友。)

20、After you've accomplished that, you canbranch out to other technologies.(在你实现了这一点之后,你可以扩展到其他的分支。)

21、Diverge: to go or extend in different directions from a common point;branch out.(分开,叉开:在同一点向不同方向延伸分叉;长出枝条。)

22、The company wants tobranch out it's business.(这家公司试图扩大它的业务范围。)

23、The BJP had pointed to success in Tamil Nadu's neighbour Karnataka in 2008 as evidence that it couldbranch out southward.(印度人民党曾提出2008年在毗邻泰米尔纳德邦的卡纳塔克邦的成功作为证据,证明它可以另辟蹊径南下。)

24、In Jonathan's case, he decides tobranch out and try Thai food.(乔纳森的例子里,他决定第一次尝试泰国菜。)

25、And because learning anything is interconnected with other subjects, it's easy tobranch out.(而且学习任何事都是与其他事情相联系的,很容易做到举一反三。)

26、To "branch out" means to try new things.(“长出枝条”意味着尝试新事物。)

27、Next time, we'llbranch out into a new topic: five things you didn't know about Jars.(下一次,我们将进入一个新的主题:关于Jars您不知道的5件事。)

28、I guess I shouldbranch out a little more and try different food.(我想我也应该扩大选择范围,尝试不同的食物。)

29、The company hasbranch out into car leasing.(该公司业务范围已扩大到汽车租赁。)

branch out 基本释义

branch out

英 [brɑ:ntʃ aut] 美 [bræntʃ aʊt] 

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