1、Such designs canborder on camp or tacky, in the wrong hands。(如果搭配不当,这种设计看上去像是去露营或是捡破烂的。)
2、Security forces patrolling the long stretch of desert south of the Libyanborder on Sunday spotted the convoy on its way to the northern town of Agadez.(在利比亚南部边境狭长的沙漠地带巡逻的安全力量周日发现车队正前往尼日尔北部的阿加德兹。)
3、Thai navy officers display Bengal tigers, leopards, and pangolins seized on the Mekong River near the Thailand-Laosborder on Jan. 29, 2008.(2008年1月29日。在泰国——老挝边界附近的湄公河,泰国海军军官们展示了检获出的孟加拉虎、豹和穿山甲。)
4、When Facebook began to gain momentum in Brazil, the activity was most intense in southern parts of the country thatborder on neighboring Argentina, where Facebook was already popular.(当Facebook在巴西开始出现上升势头时,其活动在该国与阿根廷接壤的南部地区最为频繁,而Facebook在阿根廷那里早已流行了。)
5、On Sunday the horses were harnessed to a heavy wagon for a day-long ride over the border.(星期天这些马被套在一辆沉重的货车上,踏上长达一天的旅程越过边境。)
6、Most of the contemporary solutionsborder on providing unrealistic weight loss solutions or are too time-consuming.(目前大部分的减肥方案要么是太不切实际,要么是太耗时间。)
7、Some of his statements are so incorrect that theyborder on fraudulence.(他的某些说法非常不正确以致近乎欺诈。)
8、I do feel there are common threads throughout the work, though not literally as so many "bodies of work" doborder on visual and technical gimmickery.(虽然在字面上,如此多的“身体的作品”不是一件巧妙的视觉化工艺装置,但我的确感到有共通的线索贯穿作品。)
9、The South's Yonhap news agency said the vessel crossed the disputed maritimeborder on Thursday, but retreated when issued with a verbal warning.(南韩联合新闻通讯社报道称这艘舰船于星期四越过有争议的海洋边界,但在收到韩方的口头警告之后撤离。)
10、Most of the time I hiked along theborder on the weekends, or during the week if I had time off.(我大部分的边境徒步是在周末进行,或在平时的休息时间。)
11、Our impression when we crossed theborder on the first day, was the number of people enjoying the holiday weekend, out and about camping on the side of the rivers and in the countryside.(我们的印象,当我们在第一天越过边界,是享受周末假期的人,外出走动露营对河流边,在农村的数量。)
12、The three are being held after crossing an unmarkedborder on a hike.(这三人因为徒步旅行穿越一个无名边境而被关押。)
13、We're not gonna get across theborder on the ground. Without that plane, we're screwed.(我们不能在陆地上越过边境,没有飞机我们就完蛋了。)
14、This very careful attitude to money can sometimesborder on meanness.(这种对待金钱的过分谨慎的态度有时几近于吝啬。)
15、SiliCa, and North America thatborder on the Arctic Ocean.(北美等濒临北冰洋的低洼沼泽平原的命名。)
16、Turkey says that more than 1,500 Syrian refugees crossed itsborder on Thursday as Syrian forces stormed to the region in their latest show of force against anti-government protesters.(土耳其说,1500多名叙利亚难民星期四越过边境进入土耳其。)
17、The following CSS removes theborder on the second nav level, sets the active subnav to always display, and sets the inactive subnavs to display when their parents are hovered.(下面的CSS样式删除了子菜单上的边框,设置活动的菜单项一直显示,并且设置非活动的菜单项,只在它们的父级菜单被鼠标经过时显示。)
18、So when Spain's foreign minister, Miguel angel Moratinos, drove across theborder on July 21st, it was an historic moment.(因此,当西班牙外交大臣米格尔·安赫尔·莫拉蒂诺斯(MiguelangelMoratinos)7月21日驾车越过边界时,这是一个历史性的时刻。)
19、The vision Kiva sees, with a "Guatemalan woman making a loan to an entrepreneur in Detroit", mightborder on absurdity in the eyes of some.(危地马拉的妇女也可以为底特律的企业主提供贷款,“不过Kiva看到这种可能情景在某些人看来可能近乎荒谬。”)
20、It is one of those strange phenomena that sometimesborder on the fantastic.(它是那些近于难以置信的现象之一。)
border on
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