1、The findingsboil down to five basic rewards of group membership: social, entertainment, informational, status, and transactional.(调查结果归结为五个基本的群体成员:社交,娱乐,信息,地位和交易。)
2、Of course, at least in Python, the verification or enforcement of declared rules will alwaysboil down to procedural checks.(当然,起码在Python中,声明规则的验证和增强总是会归结为过程序检查。)
3、Mason prattles on about company ideals thatboil down to platitudes like "The customer's always right." This is hardly an innovative vision.(梅森天真地大谈公司理想,而归结起来,不外乎“客户永远是对的”这类陈词滥调,毫无新意可言。)
4、It may allboil down to a misunderstanding.(这可以归结为误解。)
5、Most of the crimes mayboil down to a question of money.(大多数犯罪都可以归结为金钱问题。)
6、Most crimesboil down to a question of money.(大多数犯罪归结起来可以说都是金钱问题。)
7、Looking to do better in the year ahead? That may simplyboil down to where you choose to live.(想在接下来的一年里过得更好?简单来说,这取决于你在何处生活。)
8、Johnson lays out four things the company needs to do, which you could pretty muchboil down to this: Figure out a way to combat Google.(约翰逊提出微软必须要做的四件事,你可以将这四件事归结为一点,就是全力以赴打击Google。)
9、All save, in the final analysis,boil down to the economy of time.(一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。)
10、Basically theseboil down to the client saying, 'Joe logged in, and you should trust me because of my credentials.'(基本上,这些事情可简化为:客户机说“Joe登录了,因为我有安全证书,所以您应该信任我。”)
11、So the question will alwaysboil down to: who pays for the extra cost, and takes the initial risk?(问题就会归结为:谁为这额外花费买单,谁是第一个吃螃蟹的人?)
12、But what do those changesboil down to in terms of noticeable shifts in brain performance?(但是这些变化归根结底在大脑表现上有什么显而易见的改变?)
13、These essentiallyboil down to performance, cost, and complexity.(这些关键原因可归结为性能、成本及复杂性等方面。)
14、Furthermore, much of this couldboil down to career choice: there are many jobs that require a degree but don't pay very well.(此外,这个问题可以归结为职业选择:许多工作有学历要求,但是提供的薪酬并不丰厚。)
15、Unfortunately, traits are very hard toboil down to a visual style that's consistently understood across a large audience.(不幸的是,这些特征很难归结为一种视觉风格,让观众连贯地理解。)
16、There are practical reasons for the mid-20s dividing line, and most of themboil down to two biggies: education and money.(以25岁作为一个结婚的分水岭是有一定的现实理由的,这些理由的绝大部分都可以归结于两大因素:受教育程度和金钱。)
17、All economy,boil down to the last time the economy.(一切经济最后都归结为时间经济。)
18、It's a shame, even if it is inevitable, to have all thisboil down to one final. Especially a final that was as underwhelming as that.(虽然是必然的,然而将这一切归总到一场决赛却是令人遗憾的,尤其是这样一场黯淡无光的决赛。)
19、Ultimately, the issuesboil down to performance.(最终,这些问题都归结到性能。)
20、We build prototypes for several reasons, all of which largelyboil down to cost.(我们因为一些原因构建产品原型,这些原因绝大多数出于成本的考虑。)
21、The whole issue will probablyboil down to parental responsibility.(整个事件也许会归结为父母的责任问题。)
22、Most important accomplishmentsboil down to this single, often overlooked ability.(人类取得的大部分重要成就其实都可归功于这个简单却又经常被人忽视的能力。)
23、His reasons for not wanting to go allboil down to the fact that he doesn't have enough money.(他不想去的全部理由可以归结为:他没有足够的钱。)
24、These unitsboil down to number, weight, or volume.(这些单位都归结为数字,重量或者体积。)
25、Weboil down to these questions to a point.(我们把这些问题归结为一点。)
boil down to
英 [bɔil daun tu:] 美 [bɔɪl daʊn tu]
简化为; 归结为