
beyond measure造句

beyond measure造句

1、Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerfulbeyond measure.(我们并不是因为自己不够好而感到害怕,而是因为我们无法知道自己到底有多大的本事。)

2、They love youbeyond measure, yet they can't say a thing or make themselves known.(他们喜欢不可估量你,但他们不能说的事,或使自己知道。)

3、I think James' prospect isbeyond measure.(我想詹姆斯的前途不可限量。)

4、Our deepest fear is that we are powerfulbeyond measure.(我们最深的恐惧,是我们不可估量的力量;)

5、Mankind's knowledge of the universe has increasedbeyond measure.(人类关于宇宙的知识已经极大增加。)

6、When I turned seven, my parents made a decision that delighted mebeyond measure: they chose to adopt.(我7岁那年,父母做出了一个让我喜出望外的决定:他们要领养了。)

7、The good they have done for me isbeyond measure.(他们对我所做的好事简直无可估量。)

8、The prospect of this young team isbeyond measure.(这支年轻队伍前途不可限量。)

9、I miss them tonight, and know that my debt to them isbeyond measure.(今晚,我想念他们,我知道自己欠他们的无可计量。)

10、The truth is that each person is powerfulbeyond measure.(真相是,每个人都有无穷的能量。)

11、Her joy wasbeyond measure.(她无比喜悦。)

12、And, dear Lord, thank you for bringing these women to me. They have helped mebeyond measure.(还有,亲爱的主,感谢你给我带来这些女士们,她们给了我无可估量的帮助。)

13、It is a giftbeyond measure.(这是无法衡量的天赋。)

14、His contributions to his country isbeyond measure.(他对祖国的贡献是无法估量的。)

15、You have worthbeyond measure, for you are a child of God.(你的价值无可限量,你是大自然的儿女。)

16、Consider even the simplest action you take, for your lives matterbeyond measure... and they matter forever.(考虑最简单的动作,甚至你把你的生命难以衡量的问题,…永远和他们的问题。)

17、Our greatest fear is that we are powerfulbeyond measure.(最令我们的恐惧的是我们所拥有的巨大力量。)

18、The value of one's health isbeyond measure.(一个人的健康价值是无可估量的。)

19、His passing is a lossbeyond measure to us.(他的离开对我们是不可估量的损失。)

20、What Ben Weatherstaff did Mary thought queerbeyond measure.(本·威瑟斯塔夫接下来的举动让玛丽觉得非常奇怪。)

21、He irritated mebeyond measure.(他使我非常生气。)

22、You have enriched my lifebeyond measure, and I cherish you so much.(你给我的生活带来了无价的财富,而我也是如此的珍视你。)

23、Release yourself, and experience freedombeyond measure!(解脱自己,感受无以衡量的自由。)

24、You are bravebeyond measure and anything I own is yours.(你的勇气难以衡量,我拥有的一切都是你的了。)

25、I know that my debt to them isbeyond measure.(我知道我的债务是不可衡量。)

beyond measure 基本释义

beyond measure

英 [biˈjɔnd ˈmeʒə] 美 [biˈɑnd ˈmɛʒɚ] 

无可估量; 极度; 过分