1、A typical process of policy based service security management can be divided into five steps and described as follows.(如下面所述,一个基于策略的服务安全管理的典型流程可以分为五大步骤。)
2、Investors may be less willing to pay the typical boom-era fees of 2% of assets and 20% of returns, if those returns are subdued.(如果那些收益不能实现的话,投资者可能更不情愿付占资产2%,收益20%的费用,而这个付费标准在繁荣时期很常见。)
3、It is typical of BarCap, he says, to try to be unfashionable.(他表示,刻意不赶时髦是巴克莱资本的典型风格。)
4、You might also then be able to justify the high cost of a typical NMS solution.(然后,您也许会明白为什么典型的NMS解决方案成本都很高。)
5、Does this seem to be a typical case of a mother who kills her children?(这是一起典型的母亲杀死孩子的案例吗?)
6、While this is not typical, you need to be aware of such potential problems at the kernel level.(虽然这并不常见,但您需要意识到内核级中这种潜在问题。)
7、That rare triumph must be contrasted with the more typical experience of United Airlines.(不过这个少见的胜利和联合航空公司的更为典型的经历互为对比。)
8、Expressing a typical IT system requires relationships to be expressed between the different parts of the system.(要表达一个典型的IT系统需要表达出系统中不同部件之间的相互关系。)
9、This theatrical model couldn't be more different from the typical experience of a West End show, whereby a room full of passive ticket-buyers take in the entertainment on a proscenium stage.(这种剧场模式与看典型的西区表演截然不同,如何能让一屋子的被动的购票者在舞台上参与娱乐表演呢。)
10、Thunder, the shock wave that comes from a lightning flash, is thought to be the trigger for the torrential rain that is typical of storms.(雷电是由闪电产生的冲击波,它被认为是引发暴雨的原因,而暴雨是风暴的典型特征。)
11、Worse, their intractable problems—left for generations by the countries where they sought shelter in wretched camps-cum-shanty towns—seem now tobe typical of other refugees’ woes.(更糟糕的是,他们所忍受之顽疾似乎目前已成为其他难民悲惨遭遇的缩影,即他们求得栖身之所的国家将其常年遗弃,以至于数代人在条件恶劣的棚户区中自生自灭。)
12、In fact, a correction of that magnitude wouldbe typical of the kind of retreat that markets show after a 37% run-up in about 40 trading days.(事实上,在那个阶段的整理是市场在40个交易日内升幅37%之后一次典型的回调。)
13、A typical use of this pattern would be the processing EDI files which contain a number of transactions of different types to be routed and processed individually.(此模式的典型用途是处理EDI文件,此类文件包含一系列不同类型的事务,需要各个进行路由和处理。)
14、The above rule is probably more typical of the types of rules you might be writing.(上面规则很可能就是我们最常会用到的典型规则。)
15、In a typical DDOS attack, there may be millions of such fake approaches.(在一次典型的DDOS攻击中,可能会有数百万条这种虚假请求。)
16、RMC provides catalogs of predefined processes for typical project situations that can be adapted to individual needs.(RMC为典型项目情境提供预定义的过程分类,它们可以适应个人需求。)
17、This level of intelligence would not be possible with a typical load balancer.(典型的负载平衡器不具备这样的智能水平。)
18、Mr Tsai wonders whether his first carefully selected group of the rich and "high-level" willbe typical of future visitors.(Tsai先生就怀疑他这个精挑细选、富有且“高端”的首航旅游团是否会成为未来游客的主流。)
19、CISC means complex instruction set: a large collection of instructions, some of which perform sophisticated operations that mightbe typical of high-level language.(CISC指复杂指令集:大指令集合,其中的一些执行可能是高级语言特有的复杂操作。)
20、The impact of this is that sometimes the typical computing performance may be reduced.(这条原则有时会影响典型的计算性能有所下降。)
21、But the most typical use of generators will be for defining iterators; so some of the subtlety is not always worth worrying about.(但生成器最典型的用途是用来定义迭代器;所以不值得总是为一些细微之处而担心。)
22、While this is not typical, you should be aware of such potential problems at the kernel level.(尽管这种情况并不常见,但您应该注意内核级别的这类潜在问题。)
23、A typical form of indirect promotion and thus to be qualified as commercial communication.(一个间接推广的典型形式并且从而有资格成为商业流通。)
24、Typical output of starting sshd in debug mode could be(在调试模式下启动sshd的典型输出如下)
25、These are likely tobe typical of the early symptoms of lung cancer.(这些都可能是肺癌早期的典型症状。)
26、Because these signs may be viewed as normal mood swings typical of children as they move through developmental stages, it may be difficult to accurately diagnose a young person with depression.(因为这些症状可能被视为典型的儿童步入发育期的正常情绪波动,所以确切地诊断年轻人患有抑郁比较困难。)
27、A topic-based approach can be hard to assess in schools with a typical spread of ability.(在以典型的能力多元化为特征的学校里很难评估一种基于话题的教学方法。)
be typical of
英 [bi: ˈtipikəl ɔv] 美 [bi ˈtɪpɪkəl ʌv]