1、It would all be innocent enough—20 minutes of busy work—except it comes attached to a personal essay.(这再简单不过了,除了要附加一篇个人论文,其余工作只需忙碌20分钟(就可以搞定)。)
2、A lot of his organization's clients thought they were going to be let off because they were innocent.(他的机构的相当多委托人都曾认为自己会被无罪释放。)
3、In Tripoli, where most people believe Mr. al-Megrahi to be innocent, the streets were 'full of happy people, ' said Said Laswad, editor of the Tripoli Post, a local English-language newspaper.(的黎波里当地英文报纸《的黎波里邮报》(TripoliPost)编辑拉斯沃德(SaidLaswad)表示,的黎波里大多数人都相信迈格拉希是无辜的,得知他被释放的消息后,当地街道上满是欢庆的人群。)
4、Beyond this, his youth mustbe innocent of crime and chaste, his conduct irreproachable and his hands stainless.(通过这些,他的青春,将是贞洁的而不会充满犯罪,他的行为将是无可非难的,他的手将不会有任何污点。)
5、However pure and sincere we may be, we all bear upon our candor the crack of the little, innocent lie.(无论我们是怎样诚挚、忠实、纯洁,在我们的良心上,大家总有一些小小的、不足为害的谎话的裂痕。)
6、Otherwise, due to the fear of endless compensation, they may choose to discard the injured within the most effective curing time or even kill them, causing more innocent lives to be lost.(否则由于惧怕无底的赔偿,他们选择抛弃伤者,延误了最佳的治疗时间,甚至进一步杀死伤者,造成更多的无辜的生命的丧失。)
7、That's if you want to be really honest with yourself. You could always take the safe, comfortable, seemingly innocent life of Not Yet.(如果你真的想对自己诚实,你可以总过“还没”的安全、舒适并且似乎无知的生活。)
8、Saints should always be judged guilty until they are proved innocent, but the tests that have to be applied to them are not, of course, the same in all cases.(对圣人的判断应该永远使用有罪推定,不过,对圣人的测验方法当然不能一成不变。)
9、Dozens of innocent civilians will be killed in the crossfire.(数十名无辜平民会在交火中丧生。)
10、With a new sense of awe he looked at the frank forehead, serious eyes and gay innocent mouth of the young creature whose soul's custodian he was to be.(他带着一种敬畏的新感觉注视着她那坦诚的前额、庄重的眼睛,以及天真快乐的嘴巴。)
11、Do this so that innocent blood will not be shed in your land, which the LORD your God is giving you as your inheritance, and so that you will not be guilty of bloodshed.(免得无辜之人的血流在耶和华你神所赐你为业的地上,流血的罪就归于你。)
12、“In order to have a society in which public issues can be openly and vigorously debated, ” he wrote, “it is not necessary to allow the brutalization of innocent victims.”(他写道:“想要有一个对公共事务进行公开和活跃讨论的社会,并不意味着我们一定要野蛮对待无辜的受害者”。)
13、In other words, no journal-keeping by a writer who harbors any sort of ambition is going to be entirely innocent.(换句话说,一位充满野心的作家所保留的日记,里面的内容都不可能清白得如同白纸一张。)
14、Civilians will be at greater risk, people in Mr. Wallach's camp argue, because of the challenges in distinguishing between fighters and innocent bystanders.(瓦拉克所在学校的人们说平民将处于更大的危险之中,因为很难分清楚士兵和无辜的民众。)
15、To make sure innocent people are not used in this way, passengers should be selected for extra checks using a graded scale of risk, according to Prof Spieglhalter.(授大卫·斯皮格尔霍尔特教授还表示,为了保证不对无辜者使用这套安检措施,需要根据风险的轻重来选择进一步筛查的乘客。)
16、As the innocent users of the currencies are paying for the bailouts, it is difficult not to be a liquidationist.(因为为紧急救助付账的是无辜的货币使用者,很难成为一个取消主义者。)
17、An innocent-looking component or even a bit of soldering can be a disguised antenna.(任何一个看起来很无辜的组件甚至一个焊接点都可能是隐藏的天线。)
18、Our modes of behavior are very much shaped by philosophical ideas that looked innocent enough to be taken for granted.(我们的行为模式很大程度上是由哲学观念塑造的,尽管它们看上去那么天真,被看作理所当然。)
19、Why would these innocent activities-my own version of croquet aside-be made illegal I wondered.(我很奇怪,为何这些无辜的活动——我自创的槌球游戏除外——会被视作非法?)
20、They may tell you they are honest in various ways (' Honestly, I think... ') and are likely to be innocent by dint of personality traits (' I would never harm a fly ').(他们可能会以不同方式告诉你他们很诚实('老实说,我觉得…'),从个人品质上看很可能是无辜的('我从没伤害过一只苍蝇')。)
21、The system of appeals has grown more protracted because of fears that innocent people may be executed.(因为害怕无辜的人被执行死刑,上诉体系变得更拖拖拉拉。)
22、In short, after centuries of oppression and exploitation, the slave masters were supposed to be further rewarded by a handsome sum mulcted by force from the mass of innocent taxpayers!(总之,经过了数世纪的压迫和剥削,奴隶主们似乎值得进一步的奖励,似乎可以强行从普通无辜纳税人那里没收钱来奖励奴隶主!)
23、The chance that innocent folk may be executed counts for more, with many, than the deterrent effect of capital punishment (itself questioned by academic studies).(许多人对无辜者被错杀的关切也超过了对死刑威慑作用(研究结果对此提出置疑)的认可。)
be innocent of
英 [bi: ˈinəsnt ɔv] 美 [bi ˈɪnəsənt ʌv]