
be hard to say造句

be hard to say造句

1、It may be hard to imagine a planet blacker than coal, but that's what astronomers say they've discovered in our home galaxy with NASA's Kepler space telescope.(很难想象一个行星比煤炭还要黑,但是宇航员们的确声称,他们通过NASA的开普勒太空望远镜在我们所处的银河系发现了这样一颗行星。)

2、There may be two competing deceptions at work here, equally hard to trace: a black lie (“I say I am going to vote Obama, but secretly I will not.(所以可能有两个自相矛盾的谎言在这里作用,两个都很难去追根究底:一个黑色(恶意)的谎言(“我说我会给奥巴马投票,但是我私底下并不会。”))

3、We come to know things that we'd be hard pressed to say how we learned it.(我们逐渐学习到一些知识,这些知识是我们很难解释我们如何学会的。)

4、It is hard to say to your parents "I want to devour and be devoured", even if you live in north London.(你很难对你的父母说“我想吃人,也想被吃”——即便你生活在北伦敦。)

5、Critics say that would extend copyright to facts. It would also be hard to make either regime work in practice.(反对者则认为,这一做法将把版权扩展到事实领域。)

6、It's going tobe hard to say whether... he saw what came because everything came with such speed and power.(这将是很难说…他看到了后来因为这件事这样的速度和力量来了。)

7、The most hard-nosed realists, including some of the diplomats sitting behind their foreign-minister bosses, say that extraordinary compromises will have to be made, particularly on women’s rights.(但是最顽固的现实主义者,包括一些身后有各国外交部老大撑腰的外交官们,表示:必须要达成一些特殊妥协,尤其是在妇女权利方面。)

8、Hard to say, as the last few weeks have been turbulent times for world financial markets, which makes it difficult for any IPO to be successful.(这很难说。因为过去几周,全球金融市场呈现震荡态势,任何IPO想要成功都不是件容易的事。)

9、“But the prose and the poetry match up, ” he said. “It would be very hard for people to look back and say, You know what, Obama didn’t do what he’s promised.(“但是诗与散文得搭配起来,”他说,“你知道么,回顾并说‘奥巴马没有做到他承诺的‘对人们来说是非常困难的。)

10、When that is hard, because a parts supplier is highly specialised, say, good management is likely to be more effective than state aid.(当经济情况很糟时,由于零部件供应商是高度专业化的,良好的管理远比国家援助更有效。)

11、It's hard to be sure, say those who study the matter, because many Japanese couples, when polled, describe their marriage as a love match even if it was arranged.(研究这一问题的人说,这很难确定,因为许多日本夫妇在接受调查时,称他们的婚姻是爱情的结合,即使是包办的婚姻。)

12、So despite the latest proclamation, it's still hard to say for sure if SP1 will be a 2010 or a 2011 deliverable.(所以,即便是有了这份新鲜出炉的声明,仍然很难说SP1到底会在2010还是2011年发布。)

13、Security firms say Internet crime can be hard to combat because it embraces different continents and time zones.(安全公司称网络犯罪很难制止,因为它可能跨越大洲和时区。)

14、The danger is likely to continue, they say, until the waves reach an inland area of hard rock which will not be eaten as limestone is.(他们说,这种危险可能会持续下去,直到海浪到达内陆坚硬的岩石区域,这些地方的岩石不会像石灰岩那样被侵蚀。)

15、The very idea that some cancers are not dangerous and some might actually go away on their own can be hard to swallow, researchers say.(研究人员认为,那种以为某些癌症并不构成威胁,某些癌症实际上可能会自己消亡的观点难以让人接受。)

16、While the influence of luck cannot be ignored, this is not to say that one should depend on it and ignore the value of hard work.(虽然不能忽略运气的因素,但这并不是说人应该依赖运气而忽视努力的价值。)

17、Needless to say, a large number of corporations want very badly for it to be hard to change it too much.(更不必说,有很多公司都非常希望难以对它做较大修改。)

18、Sometimes moms can be so giving that they say they don’t need anything, but I say for all the hard and important work that moms do it is okay to accept a gift of appreciation.(有时,母亲们只知道一味的付出,不求任何回报。但我认为,母亲们操劳一生,收到一份表达感激之情的礼物并不过分。)

19、It willbe hard to say goodbye but I'm very much at peace with the next custodian of this property and that's the best way to look at it.(说再见是很难,不过我同遗迹的下一个监护人之间倒很平静,这是最理想的应对之道。)

20、Sometimes it is hard to see it when you are the one going through it, but based on my own life, I can say that everything happens because that is the way it has to be.(有时如果你埋头于生活之中时,似乎很难发现每件事情发生的意义,但从我的经验来讲,我觉得每件事情的发生都是命中注定的。)

21、I’d say just ask everyone you know if they’d like to be in a band. Once you get people together, try really hard to be open – minded and work as a group.(所以,亲爱的摇滚爱歌手,正如你所见,我离成为一个真正的乐队专家还很远,,所以我建议你问问身边的人,是否有谁愿意成立乐队,一旦你聚集到了人,试着努力带着一颗宽容的心在团队里工作。)

22、The first is that its vagueness may come to be seen as a symptom of how hard it would be to carry out—that, say, domestic objections in France or Germany could thwart it.(首先便是其含糊的言辞,这也许可以表明计划实施的困难之大——比如法国与德国国内的反对之声,可对实施产生阻碍。)

be hard to say 基本释义

be hard to say