1、The right of upholding portrait interest is a relief right tobe directed against the infringement upon citizens' right of portrait.(肖像利益维护权是一种针对侵犯肖像权行为的救济性权利。)
2、Indeed, the attacks could be seen as a personal warning directed against him.(诚然,此次袭击事件可以看作对他的直接的个人警告。)
3、Morbidity and mortality following severe burns are often caused by bacterial and fungal infection; therefore, treatment shouldbe directed against this complication.(严重烧伤后并发症的发病率和死亡率通常取决于细菌和真菌的感染,应此治疗应针对这两个并发症。)
4、The present shouldbe directed against individual, even in the name of company.(馈赠要针对个人,即使是以公司的名义。)
5、Corporate crime-committed by businesses-should not be confused with white-collar crime, which refers to the occupation of the perpetrator and maybe directed against a business.(公司犯罪不应与白领犯罪混淆,后者指的是犯罪者的职业,其罪行可能是针对企业的。)
6、There should be a comprehensive standardization from the perspective of the theories of legislative techniques, in addition to the endeavors as directed against the practical requirement...(解决这些问题是立法学的重要任务,不仅要针对立法行为的实际要求,还须从立法技术理论的高度予以全面的框范。)
7、It canbe directed against enemy countries or even "friendly nations", without their knowledge.(它能够被导向敌国或者甚至是“友邦”而不为其所知。)
8、If we must begin a military campaign, it willbe directed against the lawless men who rule your country and not against you.(如果我们必须开始军事行动,它所针对的是那些统治你们国家的不法之徒,而不是你们。)
9、Such ideas were all directed against the circumstances and they were endowed with status not to be ignored in Chinese ideological history.(他的这些思想都是针对当时的实际,在中国思想史上具有不容忽视的地位。)
10、The pathogenesis of HBV infection is considered, at least in part, to be due to T-cell responses directed against HBV antigens.(HBV感染的发病机制,至少有部分,归因于T细胞对HBV抗原的直接反应。)
11、Of the numerous polemical works directed against the Jews, only a few can be mentioned here.(许多争论的作品针对犹太人的,只有少数几个可以在这里提及。)
12、These should be ignored as far as possible, as we will not allow any action by them directed against masses of the population.(请尽可能的忽视它们,因为我们不会允许任何他们对准人类群体的企图和行为。)
13、In the early Roman Empire, playwrights were sometimes exiled or executed for line constructed as directed against the emperor; thus, Seneca's silence may be simple prudence.(在罗马帝国早期,剧作家有时会因为反对皇帝而被流放或处死;因此,塞内加的沉默可能只是出于谨慎。)
14、The CRISPR elements are part of a prokaryotic defence system directed against external attacks by e. g. viruses and may be viewed as a simple immune system of microorganisms.(CRISPR是原核生物免疫防御系统的组成部分,能帮助原核生物抵抗入侵的病毒,可看作是一个简单的微生物免疫系统。)
be directed against