1、Wood There are many woods need tobe carried away at the railway station, though I didn't see any forest.(《木材》虽然没有看到什么森林,在火车站,还是有大量的木材等待运走。)
2、Should any ozone be generated from the operation of the lamp (s), it shallbe carried away from the test specimens and operating personnel by an exhaust system.(任何实验过程中由灯源生成的臭氧物质都必须通过排除装置立即吸离样本及实验操作控制面板附近。)
3、He has better sense thanbe carried away by success.(他很明智,不会被胜利冲昏头脑。)
4、He had tobe carried away and replaced by another. Several minutes were thus gained, in fact.(要把他搬走,再换上一个人,这样就争取到了几分钟。)
5、And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you tobe carried away captives, and pray unto the LORD for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace.(我所使你们被掳到的那城,你们要为那城求平安,为那城祷告耶和华。因为那城得平安,你们也随着得平安。)
6、By now, anything that canbe carried away has been.(截至目前为止,能被拿走的东西都已经被拿光了。)
7、We 'll neverbe carried away by our great success.(我们决不会被巨大的胜利冲昏头脑。)
8、A lot willbe carried away by the river of time, will the maple leaf when we meat again?(岁月的河流上会流走很多很多,我们相间时的那片红叶也会褪色吗?)
9、A lot willbe carried away by the river of time.(岁月的河流上会流走很多。)
10、You let yourselfbe carried away by the flow of your inspiration and impregnated me with it.(你被自己灵感的流动所迷住了,并且让我也侵染了。)
11、Don'tbe carried away by success.(不要被胜利冲昏头脑。)
12、Life time easy tobe carried away, a head is not know what name, so evil and evil will take advantage of gaps in.(人生得意的时候容易忘形,一忘形就不知道自己姓什么,于是恶念和恶行就会趁隙而入。)
13、Give this affair to Clemenza and tell him to be sure to use reliable people, people who will notbe carried away by the smell of blood.(把这件事情交给克莱门扎,告诉他一定要用可靠的人,不会因血腥味失去自制力的人。)
14、For the SINS that you have committed before God, you shallbe carried away captives into Babylon by Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon.(为了你们在天主面前犯的罪过,你们才被巴比伦人的君王拿步高掳到巴比伦去作俘虏。)
15、Some analysts allow, or even elect, tobe carried away by this forceful current and must then change their techniques accordingly.(一些分析师、甚至候选人,会被这有说服力的趋势带走,然后必定相应的改变他们的技术。)
16、Don'tbe carried away by victory.(不要让胜利冲昏了头脑。)
17、At the end of the festival, the branches are thrown4 into a river tobe carried away, 5 thus taking bad luck along with them.(在庆典结束时,人们把竹枝丢到河里让它们随波流走,这样会把厄运一起带走。)
18、Even after we can remember things, many of our memories cannot survive time and couldbe carried away by it.(即便是记事以后,也总有那么多的记忆经不住年岁,被流年带着。)
19、However, at night it is easy tobe carried away by others.(可是当黑夜来临时,还是很容易被有心人背着拿走。)
20、The white robes and black robes not only cover fat or slim bodies, but also restrict the minds which might indulge themselves orbe carried away.(那些黑色或白色的袍子不仅蒙住了或胖或瘦的身躯,也罩住了一颗颗可能肆意妄为或无以规劝的心灵。)
21、When consumers use the suitcase, the carrying press can be lifted by hand and the suitcase with articles canbe carried away.(消费者在使用上述手提箱时,可手提提扳,便可将装设有物品的手提箱提走。)
22、With much free time left at their disposal, the listeners are likely tobe carried away by their own thoughts and they soon lose their way.(与许多免费的处置剩余时间,听众很可能是由自己的想法去,他们很快失去了路。)
23、We must take care not tobe carried away by our achievements.(我们必须注意不要被自己的成绩冲昏头脑。)
24、The piston absorbs heat form the gas, and this heat mustbe carried away it the metal temperature is to be held within safe limits.(活塞由于燃气而发热,假如要使金属的温度保持在安全限度以内就必须散热。)
be carried away
[bi: ˈkærid əˈwei]
忘形; 神往; 激动,入迷; 为之神往