1、But we have also understood that our nation's strength and influence abroad must be firmly anchored in our prosperity at home. And the bedrock of that prosperity must be a growing middle class.(但是我们也明白,我们国家在国外的强大影响力必须基于国内的繁荣,而繁荣的基础就是日益增长的中产阶级。)
2、Although it is too early to know the exact composition of the protesters, a new Syrian identity appears to be emerging, anchored in inclusiveness and ethnic tolerance.(尽管,确定抗议者确切的组成成分还为时过早,但是一个新的叙利亚特色开始浮出水面,它即含有包容性,还具有种族的容忍力。)
3、Today the network has 12, 000 members and operates in 53 cities in 12 countries, but it continues tobe anchored in the Valley.(今天这家公司的网络已经拥有12000名会员并且在12个国家53个城市运作,但是它的总部依然在硅谷。)
4、He did mean that, as far as he was concerned, his writings had tobe anchored in Europe.(他确实认为,至少就他自己而言,他的写作必须立足于欧洲。)
5、Over longer time horizons, inflation expectations in the euro area seem to be well anchored at levels below but close to 2%.(从长期来看,欧元区的通胀预期将稳定地保持在低于但接近2%的水平上。)
6、Art mustbe anchored in life.(艺术必须扎根于生活。)
7、Let thisbe anchored in our minds: Peace is never long preserved by weight of metal or by an armament race.(让我们永远铭记:和平绝对不可能由金属的力量或军备竞赛所长期维持。)
8、This can only occur as fission karma has been completed upon so that the thought-form of magnetism of the Language of Light anchored can be more greatly anchored into the human dream in its place.(这只能发生在裂变业力已被完成的时候,被锚定的光之语的磁性思想形态能更大地被锚定入人类梦想。)
9、So peace mustbe anchored in security.(所以和平必须安全地下锚。)
10、The rational cable force of self-anchored suspension bridge can be researched by the methods being used in optimizing the cable force of cable-stayed bridge.(自锚式悬索桥理想状态的成桥吊索力,可借用斜拉桥中常用的几种索力优化方法进行研究。)
11、The gob-side entry driving in the fully-mechanized coal winning face can be protected successfully by using the anchored cable and rod supporting system.(采用锚杆、锚索支护系统成功地维护了综放沿空掘巷,保证了综放面顺利回采。)
12、So, a dynamic analysis method for the stability of anchored rock mass containing the continuous structural plane will be founded on the energy method in this article.(因此,本文将以新的思路,从能量角度建立一种针对含连续结构面加锚岩体的稳定性动态分析方法。)
13、This will bring the polarity to balance so that the missing feminine octave can be re-anchored on Earth in preparation for her ascension.(这将带来极性的平衡,让遗失的女性八度音阶能在地球上重新被锚定,而为她的提升做准备。)
14、The node steel bar of the corner column of the roofing frame shouldbe anchored in accordance with the mechanical anchoring method of the code.(根据规范的机械锚固作法解决屋面框架边柱节点钢筋锚固问题。)
15、’’ If it is to be more than an idle fantasy, aradically different future must be not only desirable but feasible; and to befeasible, it has tobe anchored in the realities of the present.(如果远远大于虚无的幻想,一个根本上不同的未来必须不仅仅是美好的,而且是可行的,既然是可行的,就应该在当前的现实中生根。)
16、Directly in back of the building is a lake from which the tips of icebergs protrude, and anchored there is a ship named Titanic, whose deck chairs can be rearranged.(在建筑物正后面有一个湖,湖里露出冰山的小角,有一艘名叫泰坦尼克的船停在那里,它的甲板椅子可以重新排列。)
17、But we haFve also understood that our nation's strength and influence abroad must be firmly anchored in our prosperity at home.(但是,我们也明白我们国家的实力和在对外影响深深植根于国内的繁荣。)
be anchored in