
be all set造句

be all set造句

1、If you created the database and tables in Part 3, 4, or 5, then you shouldbe all set.(如果在第3部分、第4部分或第5部分中创建了数据库和表,则应当已经设置好了一切。)

2、We just need to get this paper work done and you'llbe all set.(你不到十分钟就把我的计算机修好了!你真棒!)

3、The configuration of the group, details of the server and its password can all be set by choosing the options that are made available when you select the Admin radio button.(在选择admin单选按钮时会启用一些选项,可以通过选择这些选项设置组的配置、服务器的详细信息及其密码。)

4、Finish them by mid-July and you'llbe all set by holiday time at year's end when you will want to invite guests over.(在7月中旬之前将他们完成,你会在年底的假期得到你所想要的环境,那个时候你会想叫几个朋友过来玩玩。)

5、Also, all four of the command properties will be set to the appropriate SQL statements.(而且,所有四个命令属性都将被设置为适当的sql语句。)

6、So she expects just to find a couple of books and she'llbe all set.(她想只需找几本书,研究一下就行了。)

7、User interface (UI) options should all be set in one location.(用户界面(UI)选项全应该设置到一个位置上。)

8、No. I have a laptop computer. As long as we can hook that up in the conference room, we shouldbe all set.(不需要,我有一台笔记本电脑。只要把它连接到会议室就可以了。)

9、You shouldbe all set. Now to test the system.(全部设置应该都完成了,现在测试系统。)

10、Start Tomcat and you shouldbe all set to try the sample application.(启动Tomcat并尝试运行示例应用程序。)

11、To honour all of these deeds, a statue of the king wearing ten gold diadems is to be set up in all temples.(为了纪念这些事迹,所以寺庙都要放一尊戴着十个金冠的国王雕像。)

12、Note: Many of the TSA commands used in the setup require RSH to be set up on all three nodes.(注意:这个设置中使用的许多TSA命令要求在所有三个节点上设置rsh。)

13、All macros can be set to run when a hot key is pressed.(所有宏指令都可以被设定为按某一快捷键开始运行。)

14、After reinstalling LILO, you shouldbe all set.(在重新安装LILO之后,所有的一切都被设置了。)

15、Therefore, when the user changes any single property value all the property values would be set in the transformation configuration.(因此,当用户更改任意的单个属性值时,所有的属性值都应该在转换配置中进行设置。)

16、A lot of places even have showers, so just be sure to bring your toiletries and a towel and you'llbe all set.(很多帐篷甚至可以配置淋浴设备,到时你只要带好你的洗漱用品和毛巾就可以了。。)

17、Raw material is listed as a product so that all the decision variables can be in one set.(原材料也作为一个产品列出来,这样所有的决策变量都可以在一个集合中了。)

18、The good negotiators set their objectives in terms of range, which they might formulate as "We hope to get two dollars, but if we get one dollar and fifty, it will be all right."(优秀的谈判者会依据范围设定目标,可能会这样表述:“我们希望得到2美元,但如果我们得到1.5美元,也没问题。”)

19、It multiplies my productivity to be able to generate all deliverables from a single source set.(它可以提高我的生产率,从而能够从单一源代码集生成所有可交付的产品。)

20、Now you shouldbe all set.(现在您已经做了所有的设置。)

21、When allbe all set, virus with respect to show one's true colours, begin to play an advertisement window ceaselessly, the operation that records next users and online habit.(当一切准备就绪,病毒就原形毕露,开始不断的弹出广告窗口,并记录下用户的操作和上网习惯。)

22、I've included options to limit the file types to upload as well as limiting individual file size and total file size and can all be set using the server control.(为了限制文件上传的类型,单个文件的大小,所有文件的大小我改善了服务器控件的选项。)

23、Yep! We just need to get this paper work done and you'llbe all set.(是的!咱们只有把这份“文书工作”实现,你就所有都准备妥善了!)

24、Officer: Fine. I just need some ID, and we'llbe all set.(好的。我还要一些身份证明文件,那就全都办好了。)

25、All they need is a couple of mini arcade games, and they'dbe all set.(他们所需要的全部就是两三台迷你电玩机,而它们全会被配备齐全的。)

26、The cast must all be on (the) set by 7 in the morning.(全体演员必须在早上7点钟到场。)

27、What are all the configuration properties that can be set?(所有配置属性能够被设置为什么?)

28、If you found something blocking the trap, you shouldbe all set.(如果你发现一些阻碍陷阱,你应该全部确定。)

29、Set up all recurring bills to be paid automatically.(把所有的惯常费用设成自动付款。)

be all set 基本释义

be all set

英 [bi: ɔ:l set] 美 [bi ɔl sɛt] 
