1、at one time, splash pages were extremely popular.(曾几何时,醒目页面(Splashpage)极为流行,连那时的男用背包也是如此。)
2、Did she sleep with them all togetherat one time?(她一次性跟他们同床吗?)
3、at one time it used to be a farm village.(过去一段时间那里曾是农村。)
4、Number 6: How can I add multiple tasksat one time?(第6个问题:如何一次添加多个任务?)
5、Everyone,at one time or another, has found some surprise awaiting him.(每个人,曾经都发现有一些惊喜在等着他。)
6、at one time, they ran a luggage company.(有一段时间,他们经营一个箱包公司。)
7、at one time, the world's heaviest rabbit.(曾经,这是世界上最重的兔子。)
8、Andat one time in the past, I almost became extinct.(曾经在过去一个时期,我几乎濒临灭绝。)
9、And though he had wanted toat one time, he had never married.(尽管他曾经希望过,但是他还没结婚。)
10、To learn a lot of tricks is not to learn a lotat one time.(学到很多东西的决窍,就是不要一下子学很多。)
11、You don't need to do them allat one time.(你不需要同时做全部的事情。)
12、You can restore more than one table spaceat one time.(您可以一次恢复多个表空间。)
13、at one time they burst into his bedroom and he's a little guy.(有一次人们甚至冲进了他的卧室,那时他还很小。)
14、The Fact:at one time was the world's biggest buyer of hennessy.(真相:一度是世界上最大的轩尼诗酒买家。)
15、It seems he used to work for the electricity boardat one time.(他好像曾经在电力局工作过。)
16、at one time or another, we've all had a friend who brings us down.(在一个或其他时期,我们都曾有过把我们带下水的朋友。)
17、I believed,at one time, no lessons could teach her that!(我相信,曾经有一个时候,是没法教训她明白那点的!)
18、This example limits the number of scans which can launchat one time to five.(这个示例将扫描程序的实例数量限制为同时可以启动五个扫描程序实例。)
19、The fish lay thousands of eggsat one time.(这种鱼一次产卵数千个。)
20、We've probably all seen itat one time or another.(我们可能都曾看到过这样的守则。)
21、at one time they proudly declared that they knew English only.(曾几何时,他们还非常骄傲地宣称自己只懂英文。)
22、Just imagine, I thoughtat one time that your name was Ursule.(你想想,有一段时间,我还以为你叫玉秀儿呢。)
23、I hadat one time a very bad fever of which I almost died.(我有一次发烧发得差点死掉。)
24、You can also specify how many rows and columns will displayat one time.(还可以指定一次要显示的行数和列数。)
25、at one time 400 men, women and children lived in the village.(曾一度有400个男人、女人和儿童住在这个村子。)
26、at one time, walking across the room took all her strength.(曾经有段时间,穿过这个房间得用尽她全部的力气。)
at one time
英 [æt wʌn taim] 美 [æt wʌn taɪm]
曾经; 同时; 一度