
at intervals造句

at intervals造句

1、They could set themat intervals throughout the semester or just set them all for the last day of the class.(他们可以将最后期限设定在期中,也可以设定在期末。)

2、Not a problem if you're recording one reading per month, but with smart meters, the team envisioned readingat intervals measured in minutes, which meant data volumes would mount quickly.(如果每个月记录一次读数,那么没问题;但是对于智能仪表,团队设想应该几分钟测量一次,这意味着数据量会快速增长。)

3、His speech was interrupted by applauseat intervals.(他的演讲不时地被掌声打断。)

4、It rainedat intervals this month.(这个月不时地下雨。)

5、Another example is at the very opening of the book: the train was racing through treetops that fell awayat intervals and showed the sun standing very red on the edge of the farthest woods.(在书的最开头还有一个例子:,“在树林中,火车疾驰,若隐若现,时不时地露出远方树林,边缘的火红的夕阳,一旁是弯弯曲曲。”)

6、She woke him for his medicinesat intervals throughout the night.(整个晚上她不时叫醒他,让他吃药。)

7、Several red and white barriers marked the roadat intervals of about a mile.(每隔1英里左右就有一些红白相间的路障来标示道路。)

8、Trains creep out of Washington's Union Station and pauseat intervals, inexplicably, as they travel through the northern Virginia suburbs.(令人费解的是,火车缓缓驶出华盛顿的联邦火车站后,在穿行弗吉尼亚州北部郊区时总是不时停驶。)

9、Occursat intervals longer than 10 seconds or so.(发生间隔大于10秒。)

10、He scratched and shovelled and explored, all four legs working busily, while the Mole waited impatiently, remarkingat intervals, 'o, COME on, rat!'(他又刨又铲又掘,四只腿忙个不停,而鼹鼠在一旁不耐烦地等着,时不时插上一句:“唉,河鼠,算了吧!”)

11、at intervals, he was still heard to murmur, "Poop-poop!"(时不时地仍听到他嘀咕着:“噗噗!”)

12、He said the pirates continued firingat intervals.(他说海盗继续间断地射击。)

13、ProbeVue has also been enhanced to probe specific processesat intervals.(ProbeVue还可以以一定的时间间隔探测特定进程。)

14、Cell broadcast messages are repeatedat intervals over a period of time, which allows an MS to receive the message even if entering the cell after the first transmission.(在一段时间内会不时重复小区广播消息,从而使在第一次发送之后才进入小区的MS也能接收到消息。)

15、Flaming torches were positionedat intervals along the terrace.(走廊上间隔地插着燃烧着的火炬。)

16、Kites whooshed above the beachat intervals.(风筝在海滩上空时隐时现。)

17、On other systems the time may only changeat intervals of 10 or 20 milliseconds, and the accuracy may vary from one change to the next.(在另一些系统上,时间可能每隔10或20毫秒才变一次,因此每一次的精度都可能变化。)

18、at intervals the cry of a very young child, which was somewhere in the house, rang through the noise of the dram-shop.(有个很小的孩子的哭声不时从那房里的某处传到餐厅,在那片嘈杂声中显得高而细。)

19、He set up a site called Deathswitch, where people can set up e-mails that will be sent out automatically if they don't check inat intervals they specify, like once a week.(他创建了一个名为“生死转换器”网站。在这里可以写邮件,如果在你自己设定的时间段里没有查看的话,这些邮件将自动发送出去,比如说一周一次。)

20、A book lay spread on the sill before her, and the scarcely perceptible wind fluttered its leavesat intervals.(她面前的窗台上摊着一本书,几乎觉察不到的风不时地吹动着书页。)

21、A Laura-like apparition visited Clemens' dreamsat intervals throughout the rest of his life.(在克莱门斯的余生中,一个像劳拉一样的幽灵不时造访他的梦境。)

22、During the Medieval Warm Period extensive fires burned through parts of the Giant Forestat intervals of about 3 to 10 years, he said.(他说,在中世纪温暖期时代,大范围的火灾每隔3至10年就会席卷巨木林的部分区域。)

23、at intervals stood fishermen in waders, an abandoned tractor rotting in a field, a pair of deer, an ancient Indian village with totem poles hard to glimpse through the trees.(有时能看到涉水的渔民,野地里废弃的拖拉机,一对驯鹿,古老的印第安村庄,那图腾柱隐没在树林深处难以辨识。)

24、Indeed, it may well be that those whose work is their pleasure are those who most need the means of banishing itat intervals from their minds.(事实上,那些把工作看作娱乐的人可能是需要以某种方式将工作不时地驱赶出自己的大脑。)

25、Indeed, it may well be that those work is their pleasure are those who and most need the means of banishing itat intervals from their minds.(说实在的,把工作当作享受的那些人最需要每隔一段时间把工作从头脑中撇开。)

26、It seemed to her,at intervals, that she was entering the land of chimaeras; she said to herself: "is this reality?"(有时,她仿佛觉得自己进入幻境;她问自己:“这是真实的吗?”)

27、He breathed short, his face wore a placid satisfied expression, andat intervals he faintly murmured, "Poop-poop!"(他呼吸急促,脸上带着一种平静而满意的表情,不时低声嘟囔一声:“噗噗!”)

at intervals 基本释义

at intervals

不时地; 间隔