1、Don't loose patience if you don't get itat first glance.(如果初次阅读你不能完全理解的话,不要失去耐心。)
2、at first glance, this seems to be about speed.(初看上去,这似乎是有关速度的问题。)
3、at first glance, I thought he was dead.(乍一看,我以为他死了。)
4、at first glance, the behavior would seem to be maladaptive.(乍一看,这种行为似乎是不适应的。)
5、at first glance, this seems wrong.(乍一看,这似乎是胡说八道。)
6、Around streetlights in leafy suburbs, what often seems like a mothat first glance may, in fact, be a small bat.(在绿树成荫的郊区,街灯周围经常有乍一看像是飞蛾的东西,事实上可能是一只小蝙蝠。)
7、That's what we lookat first glance.(乍一看,我们会这么想。)
8、at first glance, this may sound like a lot of effort.(看第一眼,听起来像花费了很大精力。)
9、at first glance the three firms could not look more different.(乍一看,这三家公司就明显不同。)
10、at first glance, Vodafone has nothing to complain about.(乍看之下,沃达丰是没什么可抱怨的了。)
11、at first glance this presents no problem.(这乍看上去没什么问题。)
12、at first glance this is good news for the emerging markets.(乍一看,这对新兴市场而言是个好消息。)
13、at first glance, formatting Numbers might seem an easy task.(初看上去,格式化数字似乎是一件很容易的任务。)
14、at first glance, this should be an easy trap to avoid.(乍一看,幼儿教育陷阱似乎很容易避免。)
15、If they decide to invest in color-changing tile that looks like slateat first glance, because it makes them happy, then who are we to deny their choices?(如果他们决定投资第一眼看上去像是石板砖的变色瓷砖,因为这让他们高兴,那么我们凭什么去否定他们的选择呢?)
16、at first glance, the characteristics of Bugs Bunny seem comical.(乍一看,流氓兔的性格似乎滑稽。)
17、at first glance nothing seems to replicate in brain tissue.(乍看起来,脑组织中似乎没有复制什么。)
18、at first glance the problem seemed easy.(乍一看问题似乎很简单。)
19、at first glance, the town is a typical dying mill center.(乍一看,这个城镇是一个典型的没落磨坊中心。)
20、The answer would,at first glance, appear to be yes.(乍看上去,答案似乎是肯定的。)
21、Much of the potential for European economic development lay in whatat first glance would seem to have been only sleepy villages.(欧洲经济增长的大部分潜力存在于一些小镇中,那些乍一看似乎很寂静、冷清的小镇。)
22、at first glance visitors would think they were in Europe.(乍一看上去,游客们大概会有身在欧洲的错觉。)
23、at first glance the question might appear to be superfluous.(乍一看,这个问题显得很多余。)
24、Order seems,at first glance, to prevail.(乍看之下,似乎一切都很有秩序。)
25、at first glance, organic farming looks much more expensive for the farmer.(乍一看,有机耕作对农民来说似乎昂贵得多。)
26、at first glance, this seems like a ridiculous experiment.(乍眼一看,实验蛮可笑的。)
27、at first glance the answer is yes.(乍一看,答案是肯定的。)
at first glance
英 [æt fə:st ɡlɑ:ns] 美 [æt fɚst ɡlæns]
乍一看; 一看就