
assembly line造句

assembly line造句

1、The robots don't resemble humans but instead the type of robots on a carassembly line.(这俩机器人长得与人倒不像,而像是汽车生产线上的那种机器人(机械手)。)

2、Working on anassembly line can be incredibly boring and tiring.(装配线的工作通常极端无聊而且累人。)

3、In many cases, a custom TDIassembly line can be created and tested in just a few hours.(在很多场合下,只需几个小时即可创建并测试一个定制TDi装配线。)

4、TDI lets the user define anassembly line that contains the steps that are taken when an event is captured.(TDI允许用户定义一个装配线,其中包含在捕捉到事件时要采取的步骤。)

5、Henry Ford adapted his automobile assembly-line technologies from meatpacking plantassembly lines.(亨利·福特把肉类包装厂的生产线的技术应用到他的汽车组装线上。)

6、As the automobile moves along theassembly line, an active RFID tag transmits its location.(当汽车随着装配线开始移动时,一个活跃的RFID标签将传递它的位置。)

7、With such a system, workers on theassembly line learn nothing and the faults persist.(采用这种系统,生产线上的工人什么也学不到,而故障依然存在。)

8、The packaging process is now an integrated part of theassembly line.(现在的包装被设计在生产线旁,成为生产过程的一部分。)

9、Theassembly line is divided into five work zones.(装配线被分为5个工作区。)

10、Graphics hardware processes vertices in a pipeline like a factory builds cars in anassembly line.(图形硬件是以流水线形式处理顶点的,就像工厂以流水线组装汽车一样。)

11、They are manufactured in droves on the financial equivalent of anassembly line.(他们是金融领域的生产线,发行不断。)

12、The constellation Vulpecula is a veritable entireassembly line of newborn stars.(整个狐狸星座是一条真正新生恒星的组装线。)

13、Raw materials come in from one end of theassembly line and products come out from the other.(原料从流水线一端进来,产品由另一端出去。)

14、Milkman says that these extracurricular jobs were an effort on the part of the workers to regain their dignity after suffering the degradation of repetitiveassembly line work in the factory.(米尔克曼说这些业余工作是工人们在工厂忍受重复的装配线工作所带来的屈辱之后,为恢复尊严所做的努力。)

15、Last year the millionth truck rolled off theassembly line.(去年,第100万辆卡车驶下了装配线。)

16、We hope for some cost cuts after the installation of the new automatedassembly line.(我们希望在安装了新的自动化装配流水线之后,能降低成本。)

17、Drag and drop the automobile along theassembly line.(沿着装配线拖拽汽车。)

18、There isn't any room for creativity on anassembly line.(装配线上没有机会进行创造。)

19、Designing systems around a lifecycle has been done for more than a century -it is called theassembly line.(围绕生命周期进行系统设计已经经历了一个世纪——它被称为装配线。)

20、Think about an automobileassembly line for a minute.(考虑一下汽车装配线。)

21、Now Boeing's Renton factory is more akin to a Toyota carassembly line.(现在波音的Renton工厂更类似于丰田汽车生产线。)

22、This decade has seen Portugal produce a never-endingassembly line of top-class wingers.(过去的十年间,葡萄牙涌现了一批世界级的边路球员。)

23、Theassembly line is a perfect example of this.(装配线就是一个极好的例子。)

assembly line 基本释义

assembly line

英 [əˈsembli lain] 美 [əˈsɛmbli laɪn] 

第三人称复数:assembly lines
