
arise from造句

arise from造句

1、The European: Where might those risksarise from?(《欧洲人》:这些风险从何而来?)

2、People may even consider their online behaviours toarise from an online alter ego.(人们甚至可能认为他们的在线行为来自另一个改变的自我。)

3、These are weaknesses thatarise from larger systemic difficulties.(这些薄弱环节源自更大范围的系统难题。)

4、These damages mayarise from reactive oxygen species, intercalating agents, radiation, depurination, and deamination.(这些损害可能是由于活性氧,嵌入剂,辐射,脱嘌呤和脱氨作用引起的。)

5、Emotional problems canarise from a physical cause, so it is very important to stay physically healthy.(身体不适可引起情绪问题,所以保持身体健康很重要。)

6、This will help avoid the ambiguities thatarise from encoded usage.(这将帮助防止由编码使用产生的不确定性。)

7、Some acute shocks to healtharise from the way nations and their populations interact.(有些严重的健康打击源自国家及其人口相互作用的方式。)

8、Another urge or need that these gardens appear to respond to, or toarise from is so intrinsic that we are barely ever conscious of its abiding claims on us.(这些花园似乎所回应或所产生的另一种期望或需要如此潜藏于内在,以至于我们几乎从未意识到它对我们的持久要求。)

9、More serious problems canarise from the use of encodings.(编码的使用可能带来更严重的问题。)

10、These threats to health securityarise from conflicts and natural disasters.(这些卫生安全威胁源自冲突和自然灾害。)

11、The same disadvantages can apply to flat sharing, with the added difficulties thatarise from deciding who pays for what, and in what proportion.(合租公寓也有同样的缺点,在决定谁付什么钱以及付款份额时还会遇到额外的困难。)

12、The human mind canarise from neurobiology, and a lot of accidents.(人类的智慧源于神精细胞和很多意外因素。)

13、If health issuesarise from cellphone use, the implications are huge.(如果手机使用可导致健康问题,后果将很严重。)

14、Emotional or mental problems canarise from a physical cause.(身体上的原因可以引起情绪或精神上的问题。)

15、Many diseasesarise from what people really don't know about in their daily life.(许多疾病是由人们在日常生活中不了解的东西引起的。)

16、Electrical noise - essentially any unwanted signal - canarise from a number of sources.(电噪音-本质上是任何无用的信号-可以有各种来源。)

17、Requirements problems oftenarise from a lack of understanding of context.(需求问题通常是由对环境理解的缺乏导致的。)

18、This metabolic cost mayarise from the muscular and neural activity involved in singing or from behaviors associated with singing.(这种代谢消耗可能是由于唱歌或与唱歌相关的行为中涉及的肌肉和神经活动所产生的。)

19、"You can hope that a phoenix willarise from the ashes," he says.(“你可以期待凤凰在灰烬中重生,”他说。)

20、Noisome vapoursarise from the mud left in the docks.(难闻的蒸汽从残留在码头上的瘀泥里散发出来。)

21、One positive outcome that couldarise from bumping into a friendly ETI is that it takes our fledgling race under its wing (tentacle).(若是遇到友善的外星智慧生物,其积极后果之一就是会将我们这个幼稚的文明置于其卵翼(或触手)之下。)

22、Such beliefs simply - and quite properly -arise from our experience in the world.(这类信仰纯粹地、也颇为恰当地来自于我们对世界的体验。)

23、Opportunities could stillarise from the turmoil.(动荡中还可能出现机会。)

24、Today, problems canarise from any link or kink in a convoluted food chain.(今天,在错综复杂的食物链上,问题可能出现在任何环节。)

25、And these orbitalsarise from the combination of individual atomic orbital.(这些轨道起源于,每个原子轨道的组合。)

26、But, he adds, manyarise from mutual incomprehension.(但他补充说,这都是由相互不理解所造成的。)

27、Technical difficulties oftenarise from the subjective-objective nature of the problem.(技术上的困难往往是由问题的主客观性质引起的。)

28、IllustrationMythsarise from a lack of direct experience.(illustration谬论的产生是由于缺乏直接的经验。)

arise from 基本释义

arise from

英 [əˈraiz frɔm] 美 [əˈraɪz frʌm] 

起因于; 由 ... 而产生