1、The cross-linked enzyme aggregate can be applied to immobilization of proteinase, dextranaseand the like.(交联酶聚合可以应用于蛋白酶类、聚糖酶类等的固定化。)
2、This applies to all games, not just shooters and platformersand the like.(这一模式适用于所有游戏,而不只是某一特定的游戏类型或游戏平台。)
3、We talked about music, painting, literatureand the like.(音乐、绘画、文学什么的,我们都谈到了。)
4、The HTML5 rich app that uses local dataand the like is great.(调用本地数据等资源的HTML5软件非常棒。)
5、Raising the money is done in the usual time-honoured ways – college events, garage sales,and the like.(集资是通过寻常且由来已久的方式来完成的,如校园活动、宅前出售等。)
6、To tempt workers over that cliff, firms have to pay a premium-fumes subsidiesand the like.(为了引诱了工人越过“悬崖”,企业必须支付额外津贴如烟雾补助等。)
7、Part of this remaining third is received by workers who are shareholders, pension beneficiaries,and the like.(剩余的三分之一的一部分由股东,退休金受益人等工人领取。)
8、"People who work with their hands," he went on, "are doing things today that we call service jobs, in restaurants and laundries, or in medical technologyand the like."(他接着说:“那些用双手工作的人,在餐馆和洗衣房,或在医疗技术和类似的行业,做我们今天说的服务性工作。”)
9、I don't just mean with work -projects and meetingsand the like.(我不仅仅是说工作—例如项目和会议等等。)
10、Hedge funds, insurersand the like gained access to a broader range of credit risks.(对冲基金和保险公司一类就很容易接触范围更广的信贷风险。)
11、Process, including workflows, best practices,and the like.(过程,包括工作流程、最佳实践等等。)
12、Online services like Facebook, Twitterand the like, are called out as masters of manipulation making products so good that people can't stop using them.(像Facebook、Twitter这样的在线服务被称为操纵大师,他们把产品制作得如此好以至于人们无法停止使用它们。)
13、Say no to soda, juice, martini's, screwdrivers,and the like.(对苏打水、果汁、马提尼酒、伏特加橙汁鸡尾酒等其他各种类似的饮料说不。)
14、The children learn singing, dancing, drawing,and the like in the kindergarten.(孩子们在幼儿园里学习唱歌、跳舞、画图画等。)
15、Many firms are pushing "three for the price of two" dealsand the like.(许多公司正推出“买二送一”及诸如此类的交易方式。)
16、Examples could include merger and acquisitions, competitive analysis,and the like.(例如合并和收购、竞争分析等。)
17、This is driving strong demand for smart grids, green building materialsand the like.(这推动了对智能电网,绿色建筑材料等诸如此类科技的强烈需求。)
18、For example, for fantasy, read Dunsany, Greek myths, Arthurian legends,and the like.(比如说,对于幻想题材,阅读邓赛尼作品、希腊神话、亚瑟王的传说等。)
19、For processing reports, log files,and the like, this is exactly the behavior you want.(对于处理报告、日志文件等类似工作,这是您实际上期望的行为。)
20、The series foods of the invention are Jane Sting Taste and Children Muddy Flesh,and the like.(本发明的系列食品是简·斯特恩口味和儿童泥泞肉等。)
21、The dualist can explain that by appealing to ghostsand the like.(二元论者可以诉诸鬼魂之类的来解释。)
22、Now they also dream up and orchestrate live events, web launchesand the like.(现在他们还谋划、安排现场活动和网络发布等。)
23、The other insecticide is ibuprofen, thiamethoxam, fipronil, thiacloprid, dinotefuran,and the like.(另一种杀虫剂是布洛芬,噻虫嗪,氟虫腈,噻虫啉,地诺呋喃等。)
24、I don't mean hedge fundsand the like.(我不是指对冲基金等。)
25、The fruity type flue-cured tobacco essence mainly consists of trans-2-hexenal, hexenyl formateand the like.(果味型烤烟香精主要由反式-2-己烯醛,甲酸己烯酯等组成。)
and the like
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