
all day造句

all day造句

1、The workmen sawed and hammeredall day.(工人又锯又锤,干了整整一天。)

2、How does it feel to be aloneall day?(整天独自一个人感受如何?)

3、I've been working at my assignmentall day.(我整天都在做作业。)

4、I've been on the trotall day.(我一整天忙得不可开交。)

5、I've been on the goall day.(我一整天忙得马不停蹄。)

6、I haven't done a thingall day.(我一整天还没做任何事情。)

7、I hate being stuck at homeall day.(我讨厌整天困在家里出不去。)

8、The girl sassed the teacherall day.(这个女孩整天对这位教师出言不逊。)

9、We labouredall day in the fields.(我们在田地里辛勤劳动了一整天。)

10、It's been snowing heavilyall day.(大雪下了一整天。)

11、He sat bashing away at his essayall day.(他一整天都坐着不停地写文章。)

12、It rained on and offall day.(雨断断续续地下了一整天。)

13、We lazed by the poolall day.(我们整天都在池塘边消磨。)

14、They lay around doppingall day.(他们一整天无所事事都在狂饮。)

15、I've been trying to contact youall day.(我整天一直在设法与你联系。)

16、Well, I can't stand here chattingall day.(唉,我不能一整天都站在这里闲聊。)

17、It has been raining heavilyall day.(一整天雨都下得很大。)

18、We had to waitall day long.(我们不得不整天等候着。)

19、I can't stand here gossipingall day.(我不能整天站在这儿闲聊啊。)

20、I've been travellingall day.(我一整天都在旅行。)

21、He kept us at itall day.(他让我们不停地干了一天。)

22、She has her TV onall day.(她一整天都开着电视机。)

23、She's been in a really black moodall day.(她一整天都心情很坏。)

24、You've been on my mindall day.(我一整天都在为你担心。)

25、She workedall day without a break.(她接连工作了一整天。)

26、She walked around in a dreamall day.(她整天都在梦游似的到处转悠。)

27、I've been on my feetall day.(我已经站了一整天。)

28、I've been humping furniture aroundall day.(我扛了一整天的家具。)

29、I spentall day cooking and cleaning.(我一整天都忙着做饭和打扫卫生。)

all day 基本释义

all day

英 [ɔ:l dei] 美 [ɔl de] 

一天到晚; 整天