
a column of water造句

a column of water造句

1、Torricelli's work on water barometers showed that the pressure of the atmosphere could balancea column of water just over 30 feet in height.(托里切利在水银气压计方面的研究表明大气的压力可以让气压计中的水银柱上升30多英尺。)

2、A tangled kelp forest fills the water column off the coast of Maine.(缠结的海带森林弥漫着水柱沿海海面的缅因州。)

3、In this study, adsorption mass transfer process of phenol by soil particles was investigated by means of dynamic method in a water-saturated fine and column under vertical flow of phenolic effluents.(用动态法研究了饱水细沙土柱中含酚废水在垂直流动情况下,土壤颗粒对苯酚的吸附传质过程。)

4、A device applicable to simple separation between oil and water of kitchens comprises a column type container (1), a piece of filter gauze (2), a hose (3), a hose clip (4) and a hose hook (5).(一种适用于餐厨油水简单分离的装置,包括一个柱式容器(1)、一个滤网(2)、一根软管(3)、一个软管夹(4)、一个软管挂钩(5)构成。)

5、The purpose of this paper is to establish a mathematical model of an experimental facility for simulating OWC (oscillating water column) wave energy conversion in a static pond.(本文的目的在于建立静水池振荡水柱波能转换模拟试验装置的数学模型。)

6、Analysis by Curiosity revealed the presence of mudstone, a type of rock formed by fine grains of sediment settling out of a column of calm, still water.(好奇号通过分析发现有泥石存在,这种岩石是由沉淀物微粒在一块平静的水域中沉积而成的。)

7、But he was swiftly proved wrong, and literally ate his words by mixing a copy of his column with water in a blender and swallowing it.(但是很快就证明他是错的,而且他所说的话每一字一句都被唾弃。)

8、Three formaldehyde-filled jars tell a tale of diminishing life in a water column about 90 miles north of the well.(这三罐装满福尔马林瓶子告诉读者位于油井北方90英里处海域的生命是如何随着时间消逝的。)

9、The gravity of this water column continuously produces the vacuum and so a vacuum pump is not needed.(水柱的重力不断地引起真空,所以真空管是不需要的。)

10、The Model 1600a precision vacuum regulator features control sensitivity of 1 water column and a balanced supply valve for high precision.(示范1600a精密真空调节器控制1敏感性水柱和高精度供求平衡的阀门。)

11、Rising atmospheric pressure as a high moves in will press with more force on the surface of the water and push the column of water in the bottle to a higher level.(大气上升运动作为一个高压力会继续进行更多的力量在水面的矿泉水瓶,推动中列到一个更高的水平。)

12、For example, if an open test tube with some water in the bottom is placed in a room in which the air is relatively dry, water vapor will diffuse out through the column of air in the test tube.(例如,当一支底部有水的开口试管被放置在一间空气相对干燥的房间里,水蒸气就会通过试管中的空气柱散布出来。)

13、This paper carried on experimental a research of the factor which influences the same column diameter of the turbid water hydraulic power separation device.(对影响同一柱体直径浑水水力分离清水装置分离性能的因素进行了试验研究。)

14、The presence of gas vesicles and a long thin morphology should greatly improve its buoyancy in the completely unmixed water column of Lake Fryxell.(囊泡的气体和一条细长的形态存在,应大力改善其在弗里克塞尔湖完全粹水层浮力。)

15、The penguin ascends the water column gradually, spending a lot of time at intermediate depths (green colours).(企鹅是在水中逐渐上升的在中间深度的地方花费了大量的时间(绿色的部分)。)

16、The pressure of fluids within the pores of a reservoir, usually hydrostatic pressure, or the pressure exerted bya column of water from the formation's depth to sea level.(储层的孔隙内流体的压力。通常指静水压力,即由地层深度至海平面的水柱施加的压力。)

17、Allowing for the retrivable stream amount in the saturation column of hot water, a calculating formula of stream amount addition is also proposed.(同时考虑了热水饱和塔所能回收的蒸汽量,进而得到需要添加的蒸汽量计算式,并对此数学模型进行工程实施处理。)

18、A method for determining the content of water, ethanol and propylene glycol in tobacco flavor by gas chromatography with a packed column was established.(建立了填充柱气相色谱法测定烟用香精中水、乙醇、丙二醇含量的方法。)

19、Because larger plankton require more nutrients, they have a greater need for the vertical mixing of the water column that restocks depleted nutrients.(由于较大的浮游生物需要更多的养分,为了补充耗尽的养分,它们对于水体中的垂直混合有着更高的需求。)

20、A variety of colors of light shooting up, many of spray water column up, forming a large square, is placed video screen.(各种颜色的光射上来,许多水柱喷上来,形成了一大块正方形的、正在放影片的屏幕。)

21、Trace amounts of molybdenum in water and soil extract samples were determined using a dual column on-line ion-exchange preconcentration FIA-ICP system.(本文采用双柱在线离子交换预浓缩FIA-ICP系统,建立了水及土壤浸出液中痕量钼的测定方法。)

22、Each team will start in a pipe on one side of the map, as the match beginsa column of water will "push" the teams out of their pipes to prevent camping.(每支队伍都会在地图一端的管子中出现,当比赛开始时管子中的水会强迫队员们钻出管子,避免龟缩。)

23、This has to do with the way a deep column of water boils.(这跟地下深处那股水流的沸腾方式有关。)

24、Geysers spout up where a column of underground water is heated to boiling by "magma," or molten rock. Like a pan boiling over on your kitchen stove, this boiling pushes the water upward.(间歇泉是从地下被岩浆或是融化的岩石加热至沸腾的地下水柱,就像你家厨灶上煮沸的锅,沸腾将水推高。)

a column of water 基本释义

a column of water