
a cluster of造句

a cluster of造句

1、a cluster of size 2.(集群规模为2。)

2、And in central Europe,a cluster of stock exchanges co-operate in areas such as product development.(又如在中欧,为数壮观的证交所都在产品开发等领域展开了合作。)

3、The park has remarkable hiking trails and boastsa cluster of traditional Gaspé fishing villages.(公园有明显的徒步登山路径,并拥有一批传统的加斯佩渔村。)

4、So I'm going to give youa cluster of views.(我给你们一些观点。)

5、After the skin heals, the beads look likea cluster of grapes, and make a tinkling sound that is regarded as music.(等皮肤愈合后,这些锡珠看上去就像一串葡萄一样,还会发出叮叮当当的响声,在当地被视为美妙的音乐。)

6、In addition to the MHC, this region on chromosome 6 also containsa cluster of histone genes.(除了MHC外,6号染色体上的该区域也包含一组组蛋白基因。)

7、Deploy an application to multiple clusters (a cluster of clusters).(将一个应用程序部署到多个集群(或集群式集群)。)

8、In the remote southern seas there isa cluster of islands.(在遥远的南方海域上有一群岛屿。)

9、In some cases consisting of no more thana cluster of mud and stone buildings.(还有一些情况是,那里只允许有不超过一个集群的混泥土建筑。)

10、The air force has already built a smaller computer froma cluster of 336 PS3s.(而在此前,空军已经使用336台PS3建成了一台较小的计算机。)

11、At this point, you should havea cluster of traffic managers, and at least one traffic IP group.(此时,您应该已经得到了一个流量管理器集群以及至少一个流量ip组。)

12、How many requests will a server ora cluster of servers receive over time?(一台服务器或一个服务器集群超时接收了多少请求?)

13、Grid computing is a form of distributed computing where the centralized computer is composed ofa cluster of networks.(网格计算是一种分布式计算,它用网络集群组成一个集中的计算机。)

14、Next is the principal square witha cluster of congress buildings and the theater.(往前走是中心广场,众多国会大楼和剧院。)

15、Each ER node may be a single server ora cluster of servers, which this article further discusses below.(每个ER节点可能是一个单个服务器或一个服务器集群,本文后面将介绍到。)

16、The process is straightforward and can be replicated fora cluster of a larger size.(这个过程非常简单,适用于创建规模更大的集群。)

17、If you can finda cluster of wine shops, you can hop from tasting to tasting.(如果你能找到一堆葡萄酒店,你就可以不停的试这个试那个。)

18、Nigel Tompkins spata cluster of rhododendron leaves out of his mouth.(奈杰尔•汤普金斯从嘴里啐出一口杜鹃花。)

19、A supercomputer is defined asa cluster of eight or more nodes working together as a single high-performance machine.(超级计算机的定义是:由八个或更多的节点组成、作为单个高性能机器工作的集群。)

20、The illustration showsa cluster of five roses coloured apricot orange.(插图上展示了一簇杏黄色的5朵玫瑰。)

21、a cluster of specks of light appeared near the edge of the woods.(一簇星星点点的光亮出现在离树林边缘不远的地方。)

22、The "herald" patch may also appear asa cluster of smaller oval spots, and be mistaken for acne.(母斑也会表现为一小片小的椭圆形斑点,而被误认为是粉刺。)

23、You need to set upa cluster of servers for load balancing and test the failover mechanism (see Resources).(您需要为负载平衡建立一个服务器集群,并测试其故障转移机制(请参阅参考资料)。)

24、Next to Wolfen is Solar Valley,a cluster of renewable-energy companies.(紧邻沃尔芬的是太阳谷,可再生能源企业的集群地。)

25、We typically havea cluster of application servers running on at least two machines.(我们通常用在至少两台计算机上运行的应用服务器集群。)

26、This implies thata cluster of AIX nodes can easily be created now.(这意味着现在可以轻松创建AIX节点集群。)

27、Suppose that some network issue emerges-a router close to the devices fails ora cluster of devices fails.(假定出现了某个网络问题,例如,靠近设备的路由器出错,或一组设备出错。)

28、Fora cluster of size 2, two instances play the following roles.(对于规模为2的集群,两个实例扮演以下角色。)

a cluster of 基本释义

a cluster of

英 [ə ˈklʌstə ɔv] 美 [e ˈklʌstɚ ʌv] 
