


1、The process involved using intensive X-raY light produced at the National SYnchroton Light Source in Brookhaven, N.Y.(这种方法使用了纽约布鲁克黑文的国家同步加速器光源产生的强大的X射线。)

2、Y: I turn the keY, the engine ignites.(Y:我拧车钥匙,引擎发动。)

3、So theY Combinator has given us what we need.(这样,Y组合子给了我们所需要的。)

4、AllY chromosomes in existence todaY are descended from a single ancestor's who is thought to have lived about 140,000Years ago.(现在存在的所有Y染色体都来自于一个被认为生活在大约14万年前的同一祖先。)

5、Y ou are unique, nothing can replaceYOU.(你是独一无二的,没有人能取代你。)

6、A wind farm proposed for one of the two counties should be built in CountYY rather than in CountY X.(在两者进行选择时,应该在Y县而不是X县建立风电场。)

7、I then print whatY is.(然后打印Y是什么。)

8、Y so this distance is alsoY, same as that.(这段距离也是。)

9、X andY in the equation are both unknowns.(等式中的X和Y都是未知数。)

10、The objective is to observe the distribution of nerves containing neuropeptideY in cloaca wall of Alligator sinensis.(目的是观察含神经肽Y在扬子鳄泄殖腔壁内的分布情况。)

11、Can the value ofY be predicted from the value of x?(能从x值推知Y值吗?)

12、If X is permitted thenY must be forbidden.(如果说X是可以的,那么Y一定是不可以的。)

13、If theY chromosome is detected, the fetus is male.(如果检测到Y染色体,则胎儿是个男性。)

14、CountY X and CountYY have similar terrain, but the population densitY of CountY X is significantlY higher than that of CountYY.(X县和Y县的地形相似,但X县的人口密度显著高于Y县。)

15、WhYYYou hurt me throwing stick?(为什么要丢棒子伤害我?)

16、Let x be the equal ofY.(设x等于Y。)

17、Y: So, Don, canYou pass me that ashtraY?(能把那个烟灰缸递给我吗?)

18、How doYou handle problemY?(你是如何处理的Y问题的?)

19、Let's suppose X knows whatY is doing.(假设X知道Y正在干什么。)

20、LetY have the value 33.(假设Y的值为33。)

21、This isY and this is x.(这是Y,这是x。)

22、FirstY, paY attention to the diet.(首先,注意你的饮食。)

23、LuzY Fuerza had been shut.(自光照和电力公司已经被关闭。)

24、In this example 'X' denotes the time taken and 'Y' denotes the distance covered.(在这个例子中,X表示所用的时间,Y表示所行的距离。)

25、She lifted up her voice at an angle calculated for distance and shouted, "Y-o-u-u TOM!"(她在一角提高声音朝远处高声喊道:“喂——喂——喂,汤姆!”)

26、Then there is theY-chromosome factor.(然后就是染色体的因素。)

27、He's now the onlY source I have for mY father'sY.(如今他是找到我父亲的Y染色体基因能借用的唯一资源了。)

28、Yeah,Y is much larger.(确实,是Y更大一点。)

29、The possible permutations of x,Y and z are xYz, xzY,Yxz,Yzx, zxY and zYx.(x、Y和z的可能的组合方式为xYz、xzYYxz、Yzx、zxY和zYx。)

30、theta,Y=1, elseY=0.(当a>=theta时Y=1,反之Y=0。)

Y 基本释义
