1、Peter the Great, like his country, was strong and proud.(像他的国家一样,彼得大帝既强壮又傲慢。)
2、Three hundred years ago, the Russian CzarPeter the Great came here and built a new capital-St Petersburg.(三百年前,俄国沙皇彼得大帝来到这里建起新都—圣彼得堡。)
3、Ok, I want to talk aboutPeter the Great today.(今天我要讲的是彼得大帝。)
4、Founded by the forward-thinking emperor,Peter the Great, the city has always been Russia's cultural capital.(建于有着“向前看”思想的帝王彼得大帝手中,这座城市一直以来作为俄罗斯的文化之都而存在着。)
5、We can exaggerate the power ofPeter the Great in this vast empire that's expanding south and already expanding toward Siberia and such distant places.(彼得大帝在自己幅员辽阔的帝国享有至高权力,这是怎么夸张都不过分的,他不断地向南边扩张,版图甚至已经触及到了,西伯利亚这样的边远地区)
6、This is an extraordinarily important and transforming accomplishment ofPeter the Great.(这是彼得大帝,一个非常重要的转折性成就。)
7、Peter the Great had a monopoly on dice, because people gambled a lot.(彼得大帝曾经垄断了骰子的销售,因为人们经常赌博。)
8、Peter the Great has books translated from the west, including John Locke, into Russian.(彼得大帝引进大量的西方著作,包括约翰·洛克的著作)
9、Illustriously planned byPeter the Great, this grand avenue is celebrated for its historic importance as well as its literary connections.(由彼得大帝精心策划的涅瓦大街以其历史重要性和与文学的紧密联系而著名。)
10、From this book, he knew that he admired Napoleon,Peter the Great, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Washington, Lincoln and other figures.(从这本书里,他认识了令他非常钦佩的拿破仑、彼得大帝、卢梭、孟德斯鸠、华盛顿、林肯等人物。)
11、Peter the Great wanted his capital to be the most beautiful in Europe.(彼得大帝想要让他的首都成为欧洲最美丽的城市。)
12、Peter the Great was buried here in 1725.(彼得大帝于1725年被埋葬在这里。)
13、Peter the Great expands territory beyond the Euro mountains along the Caspian Sea at the expense of the Turks.(彼得大帝越过欧洲山脉,沿着里海扩张领土,牺牲了土耳其人的利益。)
14、He didn't sign into a hotel asPeter the Great or whatever, but he would go in with a name that wasn't his.(他在酒店登记时不会签彼得大帝之类的名字,而是用一个假名来代替。)
15、TodayPeter the Great on his bronze horse Can once again look out over the city he built.(今天,骑着青铜马的彼得大帝能够再次俯瞰这座他亲手建造的城市。)
16、But nonetheless,Peter the Great creates this huge empire that will have over the long run, an enormous influence in European affairs.(即使如此,彼得大帝还是一手创造了,这个庞大的帝国,长远来看将对欧洲事务产生极大影响。)
17、After a visit to France in the late 17th century,Peter the Great decided to build a palace for himself better than Versailles.(彼得大帝于十七世纪末到法国游览了一趟后,他决定要为自己盖一座比凡尔赛宫还好的皇宫。)
18、They're serving this huge, lumbering, strange guy,Peter the Great.(他们是在服务那个又大,又蠢,又奇怪的彼得大帝。)
19、From all these ships only "Peter the Great" is in use now.(这些战舰只有“彼得大帝”号仍在使用。)
20、Peter the Great not only doing about this, he opened Russia to the entire world.(彼得大帝的功绩不止于此,他还向全世界敞开了俄国的大门。)
21、1703 - TsarPeter the Great founds the city of Saint Petersburg.(1703年的今天,彼得大帝建立了圣彼得堡城。)
22、Russia'sPeter the Great was a cruel despot.(俄国的彼得大帝就是一个残酷无情的暴君。)
23、Peter the Great shocked London by his wild behaviour and that of his entourage when he visited England in 1698.(彼得大帝及其随从1698年踏足英格兰时的野蛮行为震惊了伦敦。)
24、But she knew that was only because, likePeter the Great in a shipwright's yard, he was studying what he wanted to know.(但是苔丝知道,那只是因为他要学习他想学习的东西,就像彼得大帝到造船厂里去学习一样。)
25、In 1716, Frederick William I gave it toPeter the Great, as a gift of friendship from the Prussian to the Russian people.(1716年,威廉一世把它送给了彼得大帝,作为普鲁士对俄国人民表示友谊的礼物。)
26、Peter the Great was a huge sort of power-forward-sized guy at a time when people were very small.(在那个民众极端渺小的时代,彼得大帝却手握重权。)
Peter the Great